Partners In Crime

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AN: flashback continued...


Monroe's pov

I had to find a way to not let his pain consume me. Gritting my teeth, I used every source of power I had in me to help me move again. I had to think about Tony. Lying here isn't going to solve anything. My eyes opened with such a bright glow as I gripped the seat below me. Ignoring the pain, I quickly contacted Rhodey. I tried to make sense of it all as I explained Obadiah's plans and all.

"Okay, where is Tony now?" Rhodey asked concerned.

"I don't know. He's not answering his phone," I answered while looking to Coulson. "Please head over there and make sure everything is okay."

After hanging up I directed Coulson where to drive. The sharp pains still lingered in my pulsating head. I tried ignoring it to concentrate on finding Tony. My hair dampened with sweat as the air started to get thin. I can practically hear my own heartbeat as my vision blurred. Come on Tony... Every shout to me from Coulson was muffled as my chest heaved. Feeling weak, my head hung from my neck. I gripped harder on my seat to not let myself fall out of consciousness. And just like that, oxygen was restored in my lungs. I inhaled a large amount of air before laying my head back on the seat smiling, knowing he found a way to keep himself alive.

Time Skip

Coulson and I arrived with a few more agents. I scanned my assistant credentials to access the doors. Everyone followed as I looked around.

"Section 16. Section 16... there it is." I scanned my credentials again. What the hell? "My 'key' is not working. It's not opening the door."

Coulson was handed a device used to bust open blocked doors. We walked through as I kept my fangs out. A couple of agents, including Coulson, stepped in through another door. We walked in and searched, only to find the armor.

"You were right. He was building a suit," Coulson stated.

"I thought it'd be bigger."

The sound of chains rattling caught my attention. I lowly growled with fangs baring as I turned to the direction of the noise. We all dispersed different directions as I looked up at a short-circuiting wire. The agents knew I was able to handle my own. Chain rattling once again caused me to turn around quickly. I stepped closer to the hanging chains seeing the shape of another suit. A pair of glowing eyes stared back at me as it stood tall. Obadiah... I ran back to warn the others. They all shot at the suit, but not a dent was made. I ran outside knowing I stood better chances out in the open. Obadiah ran after me but was found trapped behind the wall. I finally made it outside the building.

'Jess?' Woah.. how did he?

'Tony! Tony, are you okay?'

'I'm fine'

'Obadiah. He's gone insane'

'I know. Listen. You better get out of there.'

The ground began to shake. I looked down to see the ground rise and crumble as Obadiah stepped out with his gigantic suit.

"Where do you think you're going?" Obadiah threatens. I stood in shock, processing the size of his armor. My fangs couldn't protect me and my mind went blank. His giant metal arm aimed at me and prepared to fire. All I could do was stare with my mouth agape. Before anything happened, I heard Tony's voice project from above. He tackled Obadiah, sending them through a building then to the street. I shook my head and collected my thoughts. What the hell was I thinking, I almost died. I guess there are some things that can still surprise me. I was about to run after them when Coulson found me.

"Where is he?" Coulson asked.

"Stark just flew by and attacked. I'm going to catch up."

With that, I shifted and looked around for the two suited men. It wasn't hard with all the destruction and chaos they were causing. Vehicles crashed, one after the other. I spotted a woman in a van with some kids screaming. I quickly shoved myself between the two fighting 'bots' and the minivan. I wasn't going to let some family of innocents become collateral damage. Standing on four paws, I stared intently with my blue orbs. The van was forced to stop just before it hit me. Without warning, I was pushed aside by Obadiah as he lifted the van. Tony demanded he put them down. Seeing as Obadiah wasn't going to take orders, an energy beam was sent from Tony's chest to Obadiah. Before the van dropped down, I recomposed myself and held it steady with energy as Tony caught them. I didn't move a muscle until the vehicle was safely on the ground. Once they had been set down, Tony had looked over at me. I can't imagine what confusion he had staring at an enlarged canine. However, the lady seemed to be too frightened to realize we were trying to help her. Her foot rammed on the gas, running into Tony as he clung on. I caught up to them just before Tony slid underneath. I lunged myself forward in order to grab his arm with my jaw. I didn't bite down hard enough to pierce through, but just to have enough grip to pull him out. To free him, I yanked the suit as we tumbled across the street and let them drive off. Obadiah jumped toward us both and grabbed some guy's motorcycle. Tony was sent flying back as the bike made contact. I lunging for him but was smacked back into the street. Cars honked and swerved around me. I watched Obadiah stomp on Tony and throw him around. I quickly caught a glance at the small missile Obadiah was loading himself with. That thing will fry Tony. Before the weapon hit, I hopped over some passing cars and stood before the billionaire. A forcefield was created to protect us from the flames, but we were thrown back from the pressure.

'What's the plan?' I asked Tony through thoughts.

'We have to get him up in the air. The suit won't hold.'

'Got it.'

Tony hovered above Obadiah as I hid from his view. He called for plan B once he realized Obadiah's suit can fly.

'Now what?' with no response, Tony blasted away and I watched from below. Obadiah was close behind. The higher they got, the more I realized what the plan was. Please be smart about this. Once the point was reached, Obadiah grabbed hold of Tony. I barked at the sky as I watched through my enhanced vision. That's when Obadiah began falling. I rushed back to the building and shifted back before meeting Tony on the roof.

"Jess, I'm almost out of power. I got to get out of this thing-" Tony unmasked.

"Tony, look out!"

Fangs | A Tony Stark Series (fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ