Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart

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AN: flashback continued...


Monroe's pov

Tony made it clear he didn't want a souvenir, but I made him one anyway. I closed the door to my office and sat down with the old arc reactor in hand. I grabbed the glass case sitting on my desk that displayed a necklace my mother gave me on my 7th birthday. After being taken in by S.H.I.E.L.D., I cleaned it and kept it as a keepsake in memory of my mother, afraid I'd lose it. I set it aside momentarily so I could figure out how I wanted to do this. I went downstairs to 'steal' a scrap of metal, even though I'm technically going to give it back to him. As I entered the garage, I saw Tony working. He hadn't noticed me come in so I decided to hide behind the nearest object that could hide me. I was curious as to what exactly he was doing. U was filming Tony as Dum-E was told to stand by for fire safety. I grew slightly worried but continued to watch.

"Activating hand controls," Tony stated as the machinery powered up. He danced around a little which caused a smile to form on my face. He's adorable when he 'plays with his new toys.'  "We're gonna start up nice and easy. Ten percent thrust capacity. 3... 2... 1" Tony pressed down on the controls he had been holding and was thrown harshly. Face planting the wall, he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Dum- E extinguished Tony, but no fire. I brought my hand to cover my mouth as I tried holding in my laughter. I use this distraction as an opportunity to grab what I need and go back up to my office. It took a couple of hours, but with the help of my abilities, I managed to engrave and shape the scrap metal.

"Perfect," I smiled to myself. I put the arc reactor into the molded metal and placed it on a small stand. After making it look presentable and shiny, I covered it with the glass shell and locked it in place. Grabbing the necklace I had set down earlier, I chained it on and wore it until I found a better place to keep it. 

"Ms. Montez, Stark has requested a cup of coffee," Jarvis spoke.

"Tell him I'm on it." 

I head to the kitchen and make yet another small cup of coffee for the billionaire. Jarvis then alerted me that Obadiah was at the door. The mention of this man's name sent my gut to twist and turn. Regardless, I opened the door. 

"Come in, I'll get Tony up for you."

I called Tony by cell, no answer. So I tried the intercoms, nothing. I walk down to the garage and find Tony still tinkering with new parts to what I assume is another suit. Can't let him know that I know, so I act coy. I had brought down the cup of coffee he requested and the display of his arc reactor sealed in a box.

"I've been buzzing you, didn't you hear the intercom?" 

"What?" Tony was clearly distracted.

"Obadiah is upstairs-"

"Great. Great. I'll be up." Tony lifts his arm and aims.

"I thought you said you were done making weapons."

"I did. It's just a flight stabilizer. It's completely harmless." Ironically enough, he blasted himself backward, crashing into a bunch of tools. The sudden burst made me jump, but I quickly turned to see if Tony was okay. "I didn't expect that."

I rolled my eyes and headed back upstairs to finish working as Obadiah started to play the piano. A few minutes later, Tony came up and joined us.

Tony's pov

"How'd it go?" No answer. I noticed the pizza box laying on the table. "That bad huh?"

"Just cause I brought back pizza from New York doesn't mean it went bad."

"Uh-huh, sure doesn't."

"Would've gone better if you were there." Obadiah implied.

"Mm mm" I grab a slice and take a bite, "You told me to lay low and that's what I've been doing. I lay low and you take care of all the-"

"Hey, come on. In public. The press. This was a board of directors meeting."

"This was a board of director's meeting?"

"The board is claiming post-traumatic stress. They're filing an injunction."

"A what?!"

"They wanna lock you out."

"Why? Cause the stocks did forty points? We knew that was gonna happen."

"Fifty-six and a half." Montez corrects and I go off.

"It doesn't matter, we own the controlling interest in the company!" The tension grows thick.

"Tony, the board has rights too." I turn back to Obadiah. This is outrageous. "They're making a new case that you, and your new direction, isn't in the company's best interest."

"I'm being responsible. That's a new direction for me, for the company." Obadiah looked at me in slight shock. "I mean me, on the company's behalf, being responsible for the way that-"

I tried correcting myself, even to Montez, but I could see in her eyes that neither of them were buying it. Not even my own assistant could take my side. She's worked for me for years, she gains my trust, I open up to her, and this is what I get back. And to think I actually... No. Not even this could make me care less about her. She means too much to me, but it does hurt. I get up and bring the pizza with me in disbelief, "Oh, this is great."

"Tony. Tony." Obadiah called, but I ignored it.

"I'll be in the shop."

"Hey, hey, hey. Tony," Obadiah grabs my shoulder and turns me around. "I'm trying to turn this thing around, but you gotta give me something. Something to pitch em'. Let me have the engineers analyze that." He points to the device on my chest.

"No." He continues to insist. "Absolutely not. This one stays with me. That's it. Forget it."

"Alright well, this stays with me then." He says, taking the pizza box as I leave.

Monroe's pov

I watch the boys argue as Tony takes a slice of pizza from the box Obadiah took back. He asks to go down to watch Stark work which seems very suspicious. Tony sends him off, which gives me my cue to shove him out. Once in the clear, I let my fangs bare. Holding back when they're poking at the inside of my mouth strains me. What does Obadiah want with the arc reactor? I take out my phone and start giving Nat intel on what's happening here. If anyone knew what to do, it'd be her. Well, whatever happens...

I will fight for Stark.

Fangs | A Tony Stark Series (fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang