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Denki believes he knows what safety means; to be able to take full breaths without the fear of blood loss or poison, to sleep without the anxiety of someone watching, to love freely

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Denki believes he knows what safety means; to be able to take full breaths without the fear of blood loss or poison, to sleep without the anxiety of someone watching, to love freely.

Safety comes in many forms, he cannot deny that; but he can accept his own definition. Like buckling your seatbelt, or looking both ways.

Or perhaps how nicely someone's arms feel around you, or your cat snuggling against you. It feels safe.

Full time job as a hero, it's crazy. So Denki likes to indulge in things when he can, especially since he's so driven on human contact, he finds his schedule too obnoxious for a relationship. Despite being a bit of a perv back in high school; he was genuine when it came to relationships, and was careful to not lead girls on; he respected women before and he still respects them now.

Today is his break day, as his boss back in one of many Tokyo's hero centers, noticed the blonde's severe eye bags and decided that a day off wouldn't hurt. So Denki finds himself in his bed sheets, coiled up comfy within blankets and pillows, Pokemon plushes and speaker playing music awfully loud.

His feet twitches every now and then, but he's snoring freely and cuddling against a disturbingly accurate body pillow of Mt. Lady when she was in her younger days; a limited edition that his friends thought was a proper gift 8 years ago.

He wakes up feeling like a cryptic, eyes peeling open and yawn emitting as he took in a breath, stretching. He scratches his bare collar bone and stares blankly, watching the sunflower clock tick and chime at the large 3, and spends 5 minutes trying to figure out what time it was since he accidentally ordered an American clock.

He finally steps out of bed, creaking and a few plushies slipping off to join their fallen comrades, before wobbling a bit as stars fill his vision. Damn, low on iron. He gets a hold of himself, but still grips at the doorway.

Denki fixes this with a pop tart, and some creamed cocoa, taking a seat on the floor of his house and letting his body relax against the wooden floor. He knows he has a table just beside him, ready to be used yet; it's so much more rewarding laying on the ground like a rat.

'You eat on your stomach, you'll become an alligator!' He can hear his sister scolding him, too bad though, because the dead can't scold from the heavens. Cruel joke, but his sister would've laughed with him. He eats the pop tarts happily, legs moving just like a kid as he enjoys the s'mores flavor peacefully.

'Grocery Time! (◔◡◔)' is read on his screen, so he decides that after he slurps up the rest of his cocoa, he'll dress for the weather and head out on the errand. Denki dresses casually, but trudges on a hefty coat when he notices the soft fluttering of snow, eyes slanting at the white that cascades down. He also slips on some creased winter boots, eying at the small, dirty Timbs logo that's plastered on the side.

The moment he gets outside; he immediately lets out a soft 'brr!' and begins his venture, with a gentle expression; pleased as a snowflake melts on his nose and he flushed slightly pink. His hands are still warm as he shoves them into furry pockets; passing by people who look equally as disheveled but outgoing as he does.

People on afternoon dates, office workers, cheerful mothers, high schoolers in winter uniforms. Denki isn't afraid to wave at people, doing the gesture at a middle schooler that seemed to have noticed him out of uniform, so he grins and she grins wider.

"Hello, welcome to Gran's Grocer Market!" A cashier greets the hero as he steps inside, and he nods before plucking a basket from the pile; beginning his quest of whatever is on sale.

Three cans of Chef Boyardee, New York steak slices, tteokbokki packs, and a variety of chopped vegetables. He's about to reach for the last bag of chocolate cat biscuits, and meets fingers that lay over his own when they both meet the bag.

At first, Denki wants to chew out on whoever is reaching the bag— daring to when clearly he was there first. Yet he turns and is full of joyful energy.

"Woah, hello again..." he browses his memory when their eyes meet, gold swirling with green as he grins. "Shinsou!"

"O..oh.. hello, Denki."

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