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"Sorry Shinsou, I'd let you stay here but

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"Sorry Shinsou, I'd let you stay here but.." Ochako's voice was cut off by a child's scream and Iida yelling for their child to come back. A lovely couple really, everyone had expected them to get together eventually despite Ochako's mini-crush on Midoriya for a while.

"Oh stay at my place?" Jirou seemed to consider it before a loud string of curses and electric guitar sounded through the phone. "Nah, wish I could though. Sorry man."

When Kouda picked up, all that followed through the phone was squawks of a parrot and a cat hissing rather loudly.

"My home isn't the most suitable at the moment," Tokoyami had reasoned, "my old roommate got my collector's sword stuck in the ceiling and hot glued a pan to the wall as well as glued coins onto the floor of my home. He also placed sticky notes all over the bathroom and it seems that I cannot locate the tub." Ok, not there either.

Shoji was about to say yes, but Hitoshi's excited rise of his shoulders deflated when a loud thrash erupted. "Never mind, my dog literally just flipped the table onto its side."

Todoroki answered the phone with a husky voice, sounding rather.. heated. "A place? I don't think me and Izuku have any available space—" a loud, familiarly voiced, moan resonated through, and Hitoshi had never hung up so fast on Todoroki before; face red with embarrassment at whatever the hell he had just listened into.

Hitoshi sighed, mentally drained from making contact with more people than he had expected to, yet he needed someplace to stay— some place before his girlfriend was calmed down enough to let him live in his own home again.

Kaminari was out for the day, hero work calling him and oddly entrusting the other man to the safety of his apartment; leaving Hitoshi on the couch and laying on the bear(Kaminari had told him that the bear's name was Kumi-kuma)'s leg, synthetic fur caressing his face. He was in his much cleaner clothes, spare house slippers on that his blonde friend happily lended him.

Nearly five-thirty in the afternoon with an entourage of "sorry shinsou" texts from his friends, he decided that a hotel would have to do for a whole— considering that it wasn't that bad of an idea in the first place. No paparazzi since he works underground, hero discount on literally anything, and it's not a terrible experience in most of Japan's hotels. Aside from traces of alcohol and the subtle scent of sex, it was a place that Hitoshi didn't mind.

Clacks of keys wrung through the home, the taller male bolting up in instinct because maybesheshomeshefoundhimandfuckshesgoingtobesomadfuckfuckoh

"Woah, you're still here?"

Kaminari had a glowy expression, genuine surprise as he wore a crew-neck that he didn't have when leaving the place. Printed on crookedly was a colorful "OuR wOnDeRfuL HeRo PRince!!"

"What even is that?" Hitoshi pointed towards the shirt, eyebrows crinkling at the obnoxious color yet the smudge of affection laced into the signatures scribbled onto the fabric.

"I reached the top thirty in the hero charts and my agency gave it to me as a promotion gift." Kaminari scratched the back of his head, eyes averted with a fluster on his cheeks as he noticed how stressed Hitoshi's shoulders are were.

"No one could offer their place?"

"Appears not," the insomniac sighed, leaning further into the couch as the blonde laid his arms against the back of the seat. "I'll probably look for a hotel soon, or see if my dads will let me stay for a while."

"Can't you call her and ask? I'm sure it wouldn't be that bothersome."

Hitoshi would, maybe should— but with the state that she had kicked him out in; there's obviously a flare in her that was waiting to kick off, and it sent shivers down his spine.

"A hotel isn't that bad, though it's not the greatest either." Kaminari smiled sympathetically, looking down at the man laying down. "If anything, I'd let you stay in my place for the time being."

It was as if Kaminari had known something, yet the glimmer in his gold eyes spoke differently— same look that his pa had when he had first gotten together with her, when he had brought her to a family dinner, when he had first cried to them about her.

Despite the warnings, Hitoshi still sacrificed his emotions just for she can steady hers.

"That's.. you're willing to do that for me?"

Kaminari's smile yet again, made Hitoshi's heart flutter just a little bit.

"Yeah sure, why not? It'll be like a roommate!"

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