Chapter I | Part III

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To call it a night of passion would be too vague and misconstrued. The two were drawn to one another in ways holy matrimony wouldn't compare. Body melded to body with no concern for the sacred rules and regulations of the Church or of the Kingdom. If one were to die, he'd die happily, after a night like this one.

Adrian's hands rested on Vincent's shoulders, clawing at them with his unusually long nails. He left marks in that skin that was already so tainted with scars of all kinds. "Harder, faster," he whispered between his haggard breathing. "I wish to be ever so destroyed by you."

"You will soon regret such wishes once you awaken," Vincent, although reluctant with his speech, complied to the demands.

"If I am to regret, I think it best I never sleep and then I shall never awaken," Adrian replied, unable to keep his voice steady. It raised in pitch as his grip on Vincent's shoulders tightened. He was unable to hold back a moan. Lucky for him, his room was rather secluded in the castle. No one would hear a thing.

"You must sleep," Vincent removed himself from the king to be. He sat on the edge of the bed, thinking of how best to cover up the evidence before a maid came in to rise the prince. The sun was rising. Adrian would be woken up for breakfast shortly.

"I...will not...sleep," Adrian frowned, refusing to close his eyes but unable to withold. His eyelids too heavy and his body too numb with delight. He fell asleep quickly. Vincent covered him with a blanket and got to work. Removing the sheets with the prince still on them was a task, but a task he'd have to manage. First things first, he needed to put on his uniform.

The door opened sooner than Vincent expected. A redheaded servant poked his head in. "My God, you are as handsome as they say." He looked at the sheets in Vincent's hands and immediately rushed through the doorway. "You don't have to do these common tasks! Your his personal guard not a slave!"

"You know of me but I am unaware as to who you might be outside of the attire you're in," Vincent assisted with putting the sheets in the basket.

"My name is Grell Sutcliff, I'm one of the servants here. It would be bold of me to say I am the prince's personal servant but we have become quite close..." Grell looked at the sheets more carefully, unsure of why they appeared wet. His mind connected the dots quite masterfully and he dropped the basket on Vincent's toes.

"My God!" Grell gasped. "What crimes have you committed in just one night!"

Vincent placed his hand over Grell's mouth. "Be quiet, please, you'll wake him up. I trust you knew of the prince's...tastes?"

Grell removed Vincent's hand. "Yes, I knew, but I never expected him to be so stupid! You might be handsome, anyone can see that, but you've only known him for a day! The prince is supposed to go riding with the queen will he manage know..."

"I'm sure he will find a way," Vincent glanced towards the prince. "This wasn't his first time."

"What do you mean it wasn't?! Of course it was!" Grell crossed his arms and frowned.

"No, I can assure you, it wasn't," Vincent's expression maintained neutrality. "Have you ever seen him be familiar with anyone? Surely you can think of someone. There are certain things about a first experience that are clear...and he," Vincent looked towards the sleeping prince, "showed no signs. I imagine he has been in bed with someone many a time. I also believe his first experience wasn't pleasant...not entirely forced but..."

"I've known him for ages! You can't be right..." Grell placed a hand on his chest. He clutched his shirt tightly. "He would've told me."

"Take care of the sheets, if you would," Vincent placed the basket in Grell's hands. He held his shoulders and turned him around, towards the door. "I will assist dressing the prince and escort him down to breakfast."


"Have a good day," Vincent smiled, shutting the door.

"Vincent?" Adrian groaned, sitting up.

"I apologize. You will not be able to sleep," Vincent walked over to his side. "You must get dressed and go down to breakfast with the Queen."

"We are supposed to go riding today," Adrian sighed. "How much longer do I have until my fiancé arrives? I-"

"Your Majesty," Vincent placed a finger to his lips, cutting him off. "You must get dressed."

"I don't wish to get dressed," Adrian jumped up and hugged Vincent. He slung his arms around his neck and nuzzled his face into his neck. "I'm the prince let me sleep the day away..."

"Your Majesty," Vincent grabbed his wrists and pried him off. "You must get dressed," he repeated yet again.

"You are absolutely no fun whatsoever," Adrian huffed. "Fine, I'll wear the stupid fabrics strung tightly together." He stood up and walked to his wardrobe.

"Is that wise?" Vincent didn't take his eyes off of the prince. "Have you no self consciousness?"

Adrian laughed. "Why on earth should I be embarrassed? You saw me in a much more scandalous picture last night. We are both male. You're my personal guard. I doubt anyone would find fault."

"I am not talking about your nakedness. I am talking about the residue in your hair and the redness of your-"

"Ah!" Adrian slammed his hands on his face to hide the blush on his cheeks.

"I thought you weren't going to be embarrassed," Vincent chuckled. "Shall I fetch some water?"

"There isn't time for that. You said so yourself I must join my mother or she will get suspicious..." Adrian frantically searched his wardrobe for something flashy. "Are you good at doing hair?"

"I shall have to be."

I am your king.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat