Chapter II | Part II

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"Wedding preparations are going swimmingly," Vincent noted. He gazed out the window at the flowers and decorations. Adrian curled up in a ball on the bed, refusing to move.

"I don't want to think about it," he sighed, sinking further into the blankets.

"How much longer do you think Grell has?"

"What do you mean?" the prince poked his head out from under the covers to stare at Vincent. He was sitting on the balcony railing, staring down, not looking at the prince in the slightest.

"Before she finds it impossible to keep pretending to be a man..."

"Ah," Adrian nodded. "Quite some time, I think. Unless Grell's feelings for Sebastian are quite strong.

"Is that so?" Vincent continued staring down at the preparations.

"Why are you so concerned?"

"Hm, well," he paused, "I just know what's it's like to pretend to be something you're not."

"And what aren't you? A personal guard? A handsome man? A loyal dog?" Adrian felt a twinge of fear. Vincent smiled, shaking his head.

"I'm not a woman, a spy, or a murderer."

"Do you want to be a woman?" Adrian's face crinkled in disgust. Being a woman was miserable. Not that he knew, but he knew.

"No, but if I was one maybe you'd be marrying me instead..." he shook his head. "It's impossible though. I'm not from a kingdom. I have no money. Even if I was a wouldn't work, would it?"

"Vincent..." Adrian didn't know what to say.

"Ignore me, Your Majesty, I've been living a long life of lies and deception." Vincent curled his hand up into a fist.

"Not anymore. You can't lie to me."

"I cannot betray you. That in no way includes lying," Vincent turned his head to face Adrian. The sun's rays glistening on his hair. His distraught face covered up by the blinding light. "I can lie to you, I can injure you, so long as I don't hand you over to an enemy of the crown or kill you, I can do anything and everything."

"But you won't."

"Won't I? Your Majesty, you trust me too much. I'm a Phantom."

"Were a Phantom."

Steady steps, as if gliding on his feet, Vincent made it from one end of the room to the other. Adrian watched his spectral figure, stunned, unable to look away, even as Vincent pulled back the blanket and wrapped his hands around Adrian's throat. "I cannot kill you but I can hurt you, Your Majesty," he repeated. "Stop treating me with respect and start treating me as the dirt you walk on. If you continue to defend me, praise me, enjoy me, your people who have seen what my people do will doubt your sanity."

"Let them doubt."

"You cannot be a king without a kingdom," Vincent tightened his grip. "Stop creating a blindspot for me. I'll be a weakness and kings cannot have weaknesses."

"I'm not," Adrian struggled to breath, "going to treat you like trash..."

"Then don't, but act like you do."

"I can't..."

"Can't you? You've done it before, remember? I'm your personal slave."

"That was-"

"What? Bravado? An act? Make it happen again. I'm a slave, a tool. You must own me not care for me. Don't, do not ever, love me." Vincent released his grip. Adrian coughed. "You must understand. This way, too, people won't suspect that you-"

"That I what," Adrian spat. He massaged his neck as his eyes shot daggers. "That I like men? That I treat people as decent human beings without a care of where they're from or what they do in their free time? Tell me, Vincent." Adrian grabbed Vincent's face and pushed his thumbs into his mouth. "Actually, don't. Vincent, this is an order, until you die you will not lie to me. This mouth of yours is only going to tell me the truth every time it opens. I'll play the villain, but you will let me have this much." Adrian grabbed Vincent's tongue and pulled it out as far as it would go. "This is the most dangerous part of the human body, Vincent. Not our fists."

There was a small glow from Vincent's chest as the order took effect. He couldn't lie to Adrian now. Even if he tried, the sentences would never escape. Adrian released his grip and pushed Vincent off of the bed. "Leave me alone," he said, curling back under the blankets.

"As you wish," Vincent stood up and made his way towards the door.

"Not literally! You idiot!" Adrian threw a pillow at Vincent's head. "Some personal guard if he leaves me alone!"

"You need to phrase your commands a bit more directly," Vincent returned the pillow. "Otherwise I'll have no choice but to take them as they are."

"My orders aren't my commands stop being such a bore," Adrian frowned.

Vincent opened his mouth but no words escaped. He pressed his hand against his throat and sighed. "Magic is quite effective."

"What were you going to say?"

"I cannot lie, don't ask me what I was going to say if you know I can't say it," Vincent shook his head.

"How were you going to lie to me? I'm curious now."

"Such a shame, Your Majesty, you'll never know."


"That is my name."

"I hate you," Adrian puffed out his cheeks.

"Now that's not fair," Vincent sighed. "I can't lie and return the phrase. However am I going to tease you?"

"You are the scum of the earth."

"I'm wounded," Vincent pressed his hand to his chest and closed his eyes. He wasn't lying. He was physically wounded at the moment with those arrow injuries. Had he found a loophole?

"I'm sorry," Adrian poked his head out from the blankets. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

Vincent chuckled and stuck out his tongue. "Arrow wounds, Your Majesty."

"I really do hate you after all!" Adrian hid once again.

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