Chapter IV | Part I

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The first words Adrian spoke when he sat on the throne were these: "Vincent is my servant but also my lover. Prepare a suitable room for my wife at once." Vincent stared at him from beside the thrown, a bit taken aback, as was everyone else. His mother looked like she was about to have a heart attack on the spot. 

"Did I stutter?" Servants started bustling about at once. Rachel snickered, unable to contain herself. She hadn't expected this to happen so soon. Adrian was a mad man! 

"Is this true? Are you serious right now? You really became bewitched by him?" his mother gestured to Vincent. 

"Are you insulting my lover to my face?" Adrian's eyes were cold. "You may be the woman that birthed me but I shall take non of that from anyone." 

"I don't believe this!" 

"Vincent," Adrian spoke. 

His royal guard got down on one knee and placed his hand over his heart, "My Lord?" 

"Sit on my lap." 

Vincent stood up, still taken aback by this whole experience, and hesitantly sat down on Adrian's lap. Was it even legal for him to touch the throne? He nearly lost his balance and fell off the side. Adrian brought his hand behind Vincent's head and pushed him down into a kiss. The Royal Mother's eyes rolled back into her head and she fell over. Maybe she would die from the shock. Everyone else looked away, feeling a bit awkward. Rachel continued laughing. 

Adrian wasn't satisfied until he could feel a drop of saliva from Vincent's mouth on his chin. It was only then that he stopped. Vincent moved to get up but Adrian grabbed his waist and pushed him closer to him. "I'm quite serious about what I said." 

This was definitely going to turn things around, for better or for worse. 

The door to the throne room opened and a beautiful woman walked through with the symbol of the Phantoms on her blue dress. It only took one glance for Adrian to know this was Vincent's mother. The two looked incredibly similar, just as Ciel had previously mentioned. Everyone following her also had the same shade of hair and a very similar vibe to the male on Adrian's lap. 

"I've come for my son," she said. 

"No," he replied. 

"You don't really have a right to refuse, do you?" she walked forward. "I have my entire camp with me here. You know the skills of us Phantoms, I presume?" 

"Is that a threat?" 

"It doesn't have to be. I simply want my son returned to me," she smiled. 

"I refuse." 

"Surely we can make some sort of arrangement? I wouldn't want to bring your entire kingdom to its knees on the first day of you being on the throne." 

"Vincent Phantomhive belongs to me and no one else." 

"Are you sure? You don't know the entirety of what he has done, do you?" she smiled, still feeling as if she had the upper hand. "What is it that you desire? I'm certain we could make an arrangement. Is it money? To help your kingdom? Food? What? Surely you must want something." 

"I don't care what he has done." 

"You say that, but do you mean it?" Adrian didn't reply. Of course, he meant it. "Even if your darling 'lover' there is the very one that killed your beloved brother?" 

"Why should I believe anything that you say?" 

"Ask him, go ahead, ask him. I know all about your little truth spell." 

"I will not ask him." 

"Oh, come now, be a dear and play the game," she crossed her arms. 


"If you insist, but I'll be waiting in the woods nearby. Please give my words a considerable amount of thought," she turned around and made her exit, as did all of the people that followed her in. 

"My Lord, I-" 

"Shut up." 


"Shut up." 

Vincent pressed his lips into a firm line, the guilt eating away at him. "I won't believe you killed my brother, even if you confess it with your very own lips. I don't care what you have done, Vincent. You're mine and no past crimes are going to change that." Vincent wanted to speak. He wanted to refute everything that was just said. He did kill Adrian's brother. He had to know that. 

Adrian closed his eyes and sighed before reopening them. "Vincent, you could never have killed my brother directly. And, even if you had some part to play it was only a part. No guarantees. I know for a fact that you didn't stand in front of my brother and slit his throat. Do you want to know why I know this?" 

Well, yes, Vincent was actually quite interested in his reasoning. 

The king pointed to himself. "My brother looks very similar to me. There is no way you could kill someone with such a unique appearance without at least pausing to think about it." 

Vincent held his stomach, unable to contain his laughter. He would never know if Adrian was a genius or simply too trusting! But, at least he was deadset on what he chose to believe in. This time, he just so happened to choose to believe in Vincent. 

"Now, do you have any good ideas on how to deal with that woman?" 

I am your king.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن