Chapter I | Part VIII

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"These did he get them?" Rachel turned her head to Adrian. Vincent was lying down on the prince's bed. His shirt had been torn off for Rachel to investigate.

"He had been in the dungeon for a few hours...I didn't expect them to torture him," Adrian stared at the damage. Most of it caused by a knife. Small cuts meant to threaten. But there was a crest on the center of his chest. Witchcraft meant to bind Vincent to Adrian forever.

"Who would do such a thing?" Rachel continued treating the wounds. Her sister was a doctor. She had picked up a few things here and there.

"My mother," Adrian admitted.

"I can heal him," Rachel looked Adrian in the eyes. "With magic."

"You would so boldly tell me you're a witch?!" Adrian found that hard to believe.

"Fair is fair. If we are to be married we must know the darkest secrets about each other first. You have told me you're attraction and I will tell you my hobby."


"Don't be coy," Rachel snickered. "You love your guard, do you not?"

"I do no-"

"Yes, yes, but if I said I wanted him to be the father of my children instead of you...would you agree?" Rachel's eyes gleamed with humor.

"Absolutely," Adrian snapped. "Why wouldn't I? You and I aren't marrying out of love there should be no issues about us finding other partners."

"Is that so?" Rachel smirked. "I'll make you eat those words. Perhaps I will seduce your guard."

"What?" Adrian had no chance to regret his words. Rachel kissed the sleeping guard. Her hand glowing lightly as it pressed against his chest. Vincent grabbed her wrist, opening his eyes immediately upon her lips making contact. With his fierce gaze not dwindled by the fatigue, he stared. It took all of three seconds before Rachel stepped back. Vincent sat up.

"You cannot heal me."

"Whyever not? Do you doubt my abilities as a mage?" Rachel crossed her arms, refusing to believe that she had found Vincent slightly terrifying just moments before.

"Think about it, if I was to be inspected in any way and my cuts weren't there? She would think I was the witchcraft master and point at my Phantom affiliations..." Vincent sighed. "She meant no harm, just wished to assure that I would never betray the prince."

"Betray me? Is that why she engraved a curse on you?" Adrian shook his head. "What nonsense!"

"It's not as bad as it looks," Vincent assured. "And it's probably for the best. If you order me to do something I'll have to do it. Even taking my own life."

"I would neve-!"

"Don't be so quick to say that," Vincent interrupted. "I've done a lot of disastrous things."

"Ooo," Rachel grinned, "you get better with each passing minute. I can't wait to spend my honeymoon night with you."

"What?" Vincent and Adrian asked at the same time.

"Well," Rachel snickered, "Adrian did say you could father my children..."

"You said that?" Vincent turned his head to Adrian. The prince had no words.

"I'll leave you two to talk it out," Rachel winked and exited. The doors closed leaving just the prince and his personal guard.

"Are you mad?" Adrian could feel his palms start to sweat.

"Why would I be mad?" Vincent remained neutral. "You should think of me less like a person, Your Majesty, and more like a tool. Besides, this way you won't have to sleep with someone you dislike. Doesn't everyone win? Although there is one problem," Vincent sighed.

"And that is?"

"What if the children look like me? And children means multiple occasions. You wish me to bed her more than once?"

Adrian walked over to the bed and sat down. He placed his hand on Vincent's chest, gripping the mark, causing him to bleed. Vincent winced. He ran his free hand along Vincent's torso down to the hem of his pants. "You belong to me, you said so yourself that you can't betray me, so that means..." Adrian moved further onto the bed. He grabbed Vincent's face and pushed him down. Adrian hovered over him, grinning as his hair fell around Vincent's somewhat shocked expression. "If I order you to never fall in love with her, the magic should hold. Isn't that right? You're mine. Your children will not be yours, they'll be mine, and they'll inherit the throne. Everything you have, every inch of you, will never be yours to possess."

"Your Majesty, do you really think the people will accept that?"

"I'll be king," he smirked. "My word will be law and they'll have no choice."


Adrian refused to hear any more rebuttals. He kissed Vincent. The anger of having seen him kiss Diedrich was fresh. The anger of Rachel resting her lips on his pulsed through his veins still. He was his and his alone. Always his. Never anyone else's. Vincent reached up to push him back only for Adrian to grab his hands, clutch them tightly, and force them above his head. He moved them to his wrists, resting them around the painful bruises caused by dungeon shackles. His eyes screaming with a possessive nature. You're my prisoner now.

Vincent gasped which only lead further to his demise. Adrian consumed his mouth and ran his hands down his arms, along his torso, and down to his pants. The door opened.

"Oh Lordie," Grell's voice frantic. "I suppose I should've knocked but damn. Is there room for one more or should I come back at another time?"

"What is it Grell?" Adrian glided off of the bed.

"Your mother is pushing back the coronation and moving up the wedding," Grell closed the door.

"Are you serious?"

"Perfectly serious," Grell sighed. "Such a shame too. I thought maybe we'd have sexual freedom when you were king."

"You have such high hopes for me, my darling Grell," Adrian laughed.

Vincent sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He let out a long sigh and held his head in his hands. After a minute or two he sat up. "You still shouldn't trust food. Please only take it from Grell an-" Vincent jumped up. He grabbed Adrian's shoulders and pushed him behind him, taking a solid three arrows from the window. The glass shattering barely reached Adrian's ears. He could only see the blood falling from Vincent. Soft footsteps rested on the ground.

"Good evening, Your Highness," Sebastian sneered. "I couldn't help but drop in."

"Who are you?" Adrian slowly moved his hand to his inner shirt pocket. If he could just reach his dagger...

"My name, dear prince, is Sebastian," he bowed as he introduced himself.

"I hate that you're so goddamn attractive," Grell muttered. "You just shot Vincent with arrows."

"Oh no, that wasn't me," Sebastian waved his hand to swat the idea away. "I was too busy swinging from a rope to get up here. I have a message for dear ol' Vince."

"Get on with it," Vincent glared.

"Mistress of the Ghosts is going to stay away for now. But don't forget she exists," Sebastian winked and fell off the balcony. Grell rushed towards the edge, looking over, but couldn't see him.

"Are we sure he isn't the phantom here?" Grell couldn't help but wonder.

"No, I can assure you, everything he learned," Vincent stumbled forward. "He learned from me."

"Who is the Mistress of the Ghosts?" Adrian inquired.

"Leader of the Phantoms," Vincent fell to the ground. "My mother."

I am your king.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora