Chapter IV | Part II

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"In order to deal with my mother you must first think of a suitable trade," Vincent began, pacing the room. "She wants me and is deadset on it. Since that isn't an option for you, as you keep saying, you have to give her someone of equal skillset. Or, something of great value." 

"There isn't anyone in this entire kingdom that's as skilled as you," Adrian frowned, cuddling up to his pillow. He yawned, not really wanting to wake up today. 

"No, not yet, but I could train Sebastian to be better..." 

"What?" Adrian blinked. That's nonsense!" 

"We don't have a whole lot of options unless you have some sort of family heirloom hiding somewhere that I don't know about." 

"No, not really." 

"There is only one other way we could do this," Vincent stopped walking and crossed his arms. "Just send me to her. I'll do what she wants and come right back." 

"We don't even know what she wants you for. What if she wants you dead? That's not happening." 

"My Lord..." 

"No!" Adrian puffed out his cheeks and hid his face in the pillow. "It's not happening!" 

"Then, I guess I'll have to train Sebastian. Is he still in that cell?" 

"What if he tries to kill you?" 

"I can handle myself, thank you." 


"Do you honestly have a better idea, my Lord?" Vincent frowned, awaiting the words of the wise. Adrian's constant attempts to 'be a king' were great and all but he hadn't exactly raised his IQ points very high lately. Silence was the only thing Vincent was left with. Adrian had no intentions of speaking again. 

Vincent sighed. "I suppose there is one other thing we could do but you will like that even less." 

Adrian lifted his head from the pillow, looking at Vincent. He would at least hear him out properly this time. "Phantoms are evil, of course, but we do have a sense of honor. My mother happens to be in the position of command but if I win in a fight against her they'll all have to listen to m-" 


"I haven't even finished yet." 

"No, you're not entering into some fight with some cruel mother in the center of a lion's den. No thank you. No." 

"How do you think we are going to get out of this? If you don't have the cash?" 

"You're not doing anything that'll put you in danger!" Adrian sat up and threw a pillow at Vincent's face (which he caught, of course). 

"So, you'd rather risk the lives of all your citizens? One life is more valuable than the lives of the many?" 

"Maybe it is! To me, anyway, and that's just that!" Adrian huffed, throwing his hands in the air. Vincent was being such a dumbass at the absolute worst time. 

Vincent sat on the edge of the bed and folded his hands over his lap. He looked Adrian dead in the eyes. "Do you not trust me?" 

"Of course I trust you." 

"Do you think I'm a terrible fighter?" 

"Of course not!" 

"Then why can't you just let me go and come back?" 

"Because you won't come back!" 

"You don't believe in my abilities even though you say you do?" 

"This isn't about your abilities, Vincent! It's about your state of mind!" Adrian grabbed his face with his hands and shook his head. "You don't want to live! You don't want to come back! You think dying for me will be just as well as being alive! If I could trust that you would go in a dangerous situation and not die for the hell of it, by God, I would send you. But..." 


"You've already tried to die so many times since we've met. You put yourself in harm's way before trying to get us both out of it. You get injured and hurt and drink poisoned chalices. Do you not see how hopelessly suicidal you are?" Adrian lowered his hands and grabbed Vincent's. "Can you really look me in the eyes and tell me you'll make it back alive no matter what? You aren't allowed to lie to me." 

"You don't have a choice." 

"I would rather see my kingdom burn in a sea of flames than to participate in your death." 

"And that is the problem. A king is supposed to live for his people, not for anything else. I thought you said you were a king." 

"I am a-" 

"No, you're a prince trying very hard to be a king but you don't understand what it means yet. Lives aren't playthings," Vincent stood up. He grabbed Adrian's hand and dragged him to the balcony. He pushed him towards the edge and showed him the sight. "Do you really want these people to die?" 

"Of course not!" 

Vincent took a few strands of Adrian's hair and started braiding it. The new king was confused, needless to say, but didn't say anything more. He didn't want to talk about this. He wanted the conversation to end. Vincent pulled out a worn ribbon from his pocket and tied the braid. 

"This ribbon is very important to me," Vincent began. "It belonged to the first mission I decided not to kill. Take special care of it. I'll have to get it back, of course," he said, jumping off of the balcony. 

"Vincent!" Adrian yelled, furious and sad and filled with a number of emotions. He should've just ordered Vincent to stay, but he didn't want to use that power when it could mean Vincent would hate him forever over it. He fell to his knees and sobbed, endlessly, not sure if he'd ever stop crying.  

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