Chapter II | Part I

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"What do you think? Shortcake or cupcakes?" Rachel held up two different plates.

"Why does it matter? Pick whatever you want," Adrian grumbled. His head rested on his hand. His eyes staring out the window and no where else.

"Look. I stopped his bleeding, okay? So stop worrying so much. Your guard is fine. See? Look at him standing by the door. He is fine." Rachel placed the plates down and shook her head. "You have to care at least a little bit about our ceremony and reception, no?"

"If I was coronated before this wedding, I would use my authority as king to keep it from happening. My mother knows this and is forcing the wedding to happen within the next week. I have no care of what it looks like. I just want it to be over with."

"Well, I can't wait for it. I'll finally have a night alone with your guard," she smiled, glancing at Vincent.

"Not alone," Adrian looked towards her for the first time. "I will be there, of course, watching."

"How perverted," Rachel chuckled. "You really are possessive."

"You didn't think I'd leave you with him, did you? I would never survive not knowing the intricate details. I must be there. Besides, you'll be my wife. It would be strange for us not to be together on our wedding night."

"Your Highness," Vincent picked up a slice of cake, "if I may be so bold as to suggest this one."

"Devil's food cake. How very like you," Rachel smiled brightly. Vincent returned the grin.

"Red velvet is also an excellent choice," he continued.

"What are you doing?" Adrian frowned.

"Your Majesty, if you will not provide some assistance in planning, someone has to," Vincent scanned the table. He moved down the edge, away from cakes and over to flowers.

"Tch, the last thing I want is you two planning the perfect wedding," Adrian stabbed a piece of cake and munched on it. He continued stabbing cakes. Each one sweeter than the last and the tastes muddled together.

"Don't like the idea of us together?" Rachel grabbed Vincent's arm. She pulled him close and rested her head on his torso.

"I loathe it," Adrian stabbed another cake.

"How charming," Rachel inched her hand up to his face.

"Princess Dalles," Vincent made no action to move or retaliate, "I would recommend refraining from touching me so carelessly. You might get on the Queen's bad graces."

"Oh? And why do you think that?"

"The assassination attempts began the day before you arrived," Vincent looked down on her. "Do you not find that to be an interesting coincidence?"

"Are you accusing me of being behind such crimes?" Rachel let out a laugh. "How absurd. What do I have to gain?"

"This kingdom is in a tricky state. It's one step away from collapsing. We need this alliance, you don't. Wouldn't it be the perfect opportunity to," Vincent grabbed her hand and leaned a bit too close to her face. He smiled, a deadly cold expression, before finishing, "capitalize on the misfortune and claim another kingdom's land?"

"Take your hands off of the princess," Diedrich stepped forward.

"My, my," Rachel's eyes lit up with the upmost amusement, "I'm liking you more and more each day."

"I appreciate the sentiment," Vincent moved to stand behind Adrian's chair.

"I can assure you that I mean no harm to this kingdom. It's true that I could walk out of here at any moment and never look back but I've gotten quite attached to you," Rachel chuckled.

"Attached to him," Adrian sighed.

"To both of you." Rachel tapped her fingers against the side of the table. "Shouldn't you be more interested in the Mistress of Ghosts? Why are you so suspicious of me?"

"I am suspicious of everyone, Princess Dalles. It is my job. The prince can be far too trusting of strangers."

"Should you be telling me such a weakness?"

"Didn't you say you meant no harm?" The two gazed at each other mimicking smirks.

"Good Lord, will you two stop flirting?" Adrian frowned.

The door opened and Grell popped in. "Sorry to interrupt but I do have another cake to try," he smiled from ear to ear. "I'm quite proud of this one."

"Allow me to help you with that," Vincent moved to assist. Grell stepped to the side.

"Tsk, tsk, what kind of maid would I be if I allowed an injured man to help?" Grell shook his head.

"Maid?" Rachel questioned.

Grell laughed nervously. "Ahaha, did I say maid? I meant servant! Servant of course. Yes." He moved pieces of cake to the side to place the one he'd just made.

"You've got flour in your hair," Vincent observed, moving to get it. Grell turned to look at him too quickly and ended up kissing his hand. Vincent's face was too close and he mistook the whole scenario, thinking he actually kissed Vincent.

"I'm going to die," Grell's face turning as white as a flour in his hair. "I had already sworn to loving that mystical raven man from afar since we are doomed to be separated and now I've cheated on my heart with someone else's man. I'm scandalous! I'm a failure of a damsel!" Grell hid his face in his hands and muttered quietly and quickly.

"Damsel?" Rachel, still confused, repeated the feminine word.

"Grell, it was my hand, my hand, see? Your lipstick is on my palm," Vincent pointed.

"Lipstick?" Rachel began taking notes on a napkin. She was going to figure this out if it was the last thing she did. Her mind, however, wandered and she was stuck imagining something quite different. Vincent in a ball gown. "Good Heavens," she blushed.

"Was it really just your hand?" Grell grabbed Vincent's hand to examine it closely.

"Do you think the prince would be so calm if it wasn't?" he pointed. Sure enough, Adrian was too busy playing with cake pieces to care.

"Ah, there is a god," Grell shed a tear.

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