Chapter I | Part IV

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"What have you done to your hair?!" the Queen stood up and nearly knocked over her plate of food in the process.

"I'm trying something different," Adrian smiled, before sitting down. "Do you not like my bun of braids?"

"You look..." she didn't want to say the rest.

"Like a woman?"

"No, I wasn't going to say that."

"Yes, you were," Adrian picked up his fork. "Let's just eat, okay?"

"Right." She sat down again. "Down to business, your personal guard need not watch you so closely in my presence. He will not be accompanying us on our ride."


"My personal guards will be more than enough. He has the day off. Let's put it that way."

Vincent placed a hand to his chest and bowed. The Queen picked up a teacup. She took a sip and stared into it. "I don't approve of him, Adrian. He is an outsider, of no wealth, and a Phantomhive," she spat the name with much contempt. Anyone would. The name was closely related to a band of hired mercenaries. They would be loyal to the people with the greatest amount of money, quick to betray. Vincent kept his mouth shut and his head down. He remained bowing.

"Mother," Adrian gritted his teeth. "How could you be so concerned with surface level trifles?"

"You dare take that tone with your mother? Dear me, you truly do need a wife to tame you," she sighed.

"I do not need a wife."

"You do. You need an heir and a woman's touch. I do hope that she arrives sooner than expected. You two must court."

"Mother!" Adrian slammed his hands down and stood up.

"This isn't a choice, son, this is an order. We need this alliance and you need to settle down. Tell that thing to leave and we shall discuss this further on our ride excursion."

"Lord Almighty, raise your head. You're my personal guard," Adrian sighed. Vincent didn't move an inch. "You've heard my mother, you've been given the day. Leave us." Vincent still refused to move.

"You insolent commoner!" the Queen slammed her fist down (must run in the family). Vincent straightened up and leaped over the table. He ran towards the Queen as an arrow shot through the window. He grabbed it, swiftly, and gazed out at the trees.

"Do you still find him to be a traitor, mother?" Adrian snickered. "He just saved your life."

The Queen gasped. She held her breath, unaware that she had been holding it, and stared at the glass on the floor.

"Permission to speak, Your Highness?" Vincent walked towards the window. He stuck his head out and gazed.

"Permission granted."

"It would be unwise to go riding. Should you still wish to go, please have the knights surrounding you on all sides and do not ride in the woods. Stick to plains." Vincent stared at the arrow in his hands. The crest of Phantoms. "I realize I might not be trustworthy in your eyes but believe my intellect if not my loyalties." Vincent placed the arrow on the table. There was no need to hide the evidence. "I will take the day, as you requested, if that shall put your mind at ease that I will not betray you."

"I believe I'd be more uneasy with you out of my sights after this," the Queen placed her fingers on her temple. "What are you scheming? Is this a part of your plot for the throne? Is having you in the position of personal guard a part of some elaborate ruse?!"

"Mother!" Adrian snapped.

"Answer me!"

"Your Highness," Vincent removed the glove on his hand. A hideous scar was there. Remnants of the Phantoms' crest remained but it had been gouged out and burned away. "I may have been a threat to the crown at one point in my life but I can swear to you that is not the case now. I am an enemy to them, not to you."

"That's..." Adrian covered his mouth with his hands, feeling faint. His stomach threatening to release what he'd just eaten. Not out of the hideous sight but because of his repulsion to the fact it had taken place. Vincent placed his glove back in its rightful spot on his hand.

"This doesn't change my suspicion," the Queen averted her gaze from Vincent. Her stomach also churned from that sight. "I will have someone I trust shadow you the entire day while we are out. One of your fellow servants, perhaps. Someone who has been in the family quite some time."

"You don't mean Grell do you?" Adrian said.

"I do," the Queen smiled. "Now leave us."

Vincent bowed and exited the room. The guards rushed in one after the other. William included. He paused a moment, to look at Vincent, but hesitated to speak. "You may have saved the Queen but we are right to suspect you. Please don't take this personally."

"You're a good man in a good kingdom," Vincent smiled. "Suspect me all you wish but don't be blinded to the true enemies out of your hatred for me."

"I will keep that in mind."

I am your king.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon