Chapter III | Part III

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Vincent placed the crown on Adrian's head. He muttered the phrases in the ancient tongue of the kingdom. The coronation had finally arrived. Adrian stood up, turned to face the crowd, and was given the scepter from the Queen. The Queen transferred all authority over the crown to her son. The son became King. The Queen became Royal Mother. Princess Dalles became Queen Rachel. Vincent Phantomhive, the Royal Guard. All of the final pieces were in place. Everything was as it should've been. Until the darkness overcame all of it. Adrian stared, reaching out his hands to feel around in the dark. Instead of finding solace, he found limbs. Broken pieces of his brother. A chopped off head in his hands. 

"Adrian..." the head muttered. "You've given up on me..."

The prince woke up in his bed. His wife next to him and his guard sleeping on the floor as a dog would. Adrian slid off of the bed and hugged Vincent. He hid his face in between his shoulder blades. "Did you have a bad dream?" 

"My coronation is tomorrow. Of course, I had a bad dream."

"About your brother?" 

"Right again." 

"If it makes you feel better, I couldn't sleep either."

"Because of Ciel?" Vincent didn't answer the question. "We've both had a bit of a problem these last few days, no, months would be more accurate." 

"It's a troublesome time, Your Majesty." 

"More than that, I'd say." Adrian breathed in Vincent's scent. It calmed his nerves and the lingering feelings of the nightmare dissipated. He smiled, falling asleep again. Vincent, not wanting to move and wake him up, stayed still. 

"Quite the cuddle pile you two have going on over there," Rachel yawned and got up. She circled around the bed and laid down in front of Vincent. "I think I'll join in," she grinned, nuzzling up to Vincent's chest. The guard now surrounded on both sides by royalty. There was no possibility of moving. 

"Hm, I wonder if my husband will agree to a threesome," she snickered.

"I would hope not," Vincent sighed.  

"Tell me, Vincent, do you like only men? Or are you like Lau, a lover of everyone?" 

"Your Highness, I like what I like. Lau is a bit more inclusive than I am. He would sleep with anyone as long as they allowed him to. Very free-spirited, that one."

"So, you do have a type?" 

"I suppose everyone does," Vincent thought about his preferences. He liked the more unique appearances. He preferred complicated personalities. The prince certainly won in appearance. The princess won in difficult personality. Out of the two, the prince was probably more likable. Diedrich, however, had a nice face and a difficult personality. Best of both worlds. 

"Well, what is it?" Rachel frowned, dying to know. 

"Why would I speak of such thin-" Adrian's hands wandered Vincent's body. It was too early for this kind of trouble. Someone could walk in to wake his royal highness! 

"Your Majesty," Vincent grabbed Adrian's wandering hands. 

"Hehehe," Rachel giggled, allowing her own hands to wander. Vincent had four hands to deal with and only two hands to work with. 

"You two really are quite the couple," Vincent frowned, releasing Adrian's hands in hopes that he might grab Rachel's but it worked against him. Both of them just had their fill of touching Vincent. He sighed, shaking his head. "Are you seriously going to strip me right now?" 

"You have to get into better clothes at some point," Rachel licked her lips. "I really do understand why my darling husband likes you so much. Look at all these nice muscles." 

Adrian assisted in the stripping of his guard. Rachel delighted in their unspoken agreement to see Vincent naked. "I worry about your sanity," Vincent was forced onto his back, glancing back and forth between the future king and queen. 

"Don't think I've forgotten about Adrian's promise. I do intend to bed you eventually," Rachel grinned. 

"I thought you would've forgotten that after Lau..." Adrian pouted, sitting up. 

"Why would I forget such a thing?" 

"I was really hoping you would, but it doesn't matter," Adrian shrugged, picking Vincent up and hugging him from behind again, pushing him into his lap. He moved his hands down his torso and bit his neck. 

"Someone is quite possessive," Rachel laughed. "But, the way you have him positioned, I can do this," Rachel sat up and leaned forward, giving Vincent a nice kiss. She wasn't a bad kisser. One probably learns how to after a night with Lau, but Vincent tried his best to not get swept away. 

"I don't care what you do. I'll allow you your one night but I'll be in this room watching." Adrian released Vincent and stood up. He placed the 'do not disturb' sign on the door to his chambers. Grell had made it special for him, considering Grell was always walking in at terrible times. He crossed his arms and sat on a chair he moved next to the bed. 

"Do you mean it?" Rachel's eyes gleamed. She stood up, smiling terribly. 

"You don't care at all that I'll be here?" 

"Of course not! You're my husband, it only seems fair, I just thought you'd be a bit more...resistant to the idea." 

Vincent stood up, awaiting Adrian's orders. He wasn't thrilled with the concept but must do what he must do. A promise was a promise. "Go ahead," Adrian gestured to the bed. "Service her this once." 

Rachel stripped of her nightly garments and kissed Vincent, removing his pants as she continued. Vincent half expected Adrian to get consumed by rage or jealousy and stop this whole endeavor before it got too far. But, every time he glanced over to Adrian, his eyes were cold and intent on watching. He internally sighed. 

There were a few things running through Adrian's head. One of them being, how on earth could anyone want to sleep with a woman? Another being, what if Vincent did like Rachel more than him? The more he watched the more disgusted he became. The whole idea of him or anyone else creating more humans in this fashion was despicable. At least Rachel was enjoying herself. Vincent was just as calm as usual. Barely a single expression crossed his face, as if this were some chore. That made Adrian feel slightly better. He knew for a fact he could get more expressions out of Vincent than Rachel. All the more proof that Vincent belonged to him and no one else. 

"A girl could get addicted to this," Rachel admitted. Vincent's lips were soft and his touch gentle. He wasn't too fast or too slow. 

In all honesty, this wasn't how Adrian expected to be spending his day before the coronation. He should've thought out this timing a bit better. In any case, he wished this was over and done with. Vincent didn't have to service her that well. She might ask for more. Adrian gritted his teeth and dug his nails into his arms. He is supposed to be mine, damnit.

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