Chapter 1: A Depressed Loud

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AN: Hello everyone and welcome to Luna x Male Reader! Sorry for the super long wait but I am extremely excited to be writing this story and all the characters with in it again! As always, reviews and comments are the only way for me to continue writing and be inspired. Without further ado, enjoy.


Lincoln: "Come on Luna. You can't stay in bed the entire day. You have to get over Sam. It's been a whole week since she rejected you."

Lori: "Lincoln!"

Lincoln: "What? It's the truth."

Lori: "Ugh! Move aside twerp. I'd handle this."

Lori and Lincoln were both at Luna's and Luan's room door. The door was locked because Luna had locked it.

Lori: "Luna... Can we talk?"

Luna: "Go away!

This all had started a week ago since Sam rejected Luna's love letter and affection for her. Since then, Luna has kept herself isolated in her room the entire week. Listening only to sad rock music. This of course, caught the attention of her siblings, who were all beginning to worry for her. They knew Sam rejected Luna, but out of respect, wanted to respect her love life. But that didn't go so well, as Luna locked herself in her room. Despite being a tomboy, like Lynn and Lana, Luna was still a girl. A girl with feelings, that she was depressed, rejected and heartbroken. How will Luna continue her life like this? It shouldn't even take this long to forget about this kind of incident with Sam, but it looks like Luna was truly in love with her. And her breaking her heart, was all it took to shutdown Luna's body and mind. Not literally, of course.

Now shut in her room. Luan had to sleep with her little brother, Lincoln's room. Despite her sister Luna and her, both sharing the same room together.

Currently, the Loud siblings were by Luna's door. Trying to reach out to their sister to open the door to them, and give her the help she needs. But Luna wasn't listening to anyone of them.

If they were going to help their sister out, then they'll need to change tactics.

Lincoln: "Ahhh, Lori. I don't think she's listening to you. Or to anyone of us."

Lori: "Is that a fact Lincoln!"

Lincoln: "No."

Lincoln and Lori have both been trying their best to talk to their sister Luna. Behind the two, were the other Loud siblings who were also worrying for her.

Lana: "Let us talk to her."

Lola: "Yeah!"

Most of the Loud siblings, each took their turns of speaking to Luna. Or at least try to reach out to her. But this was getting them nowhere, as each sister failed to get a response from her.

Seeing this as a complete failure, Lori commanded her siblings.

Lori: "This is getting us nowhere guys! Everyone, we're having a family meeting in my room."

Leni: "Don't you mean our room Lori?"

Lori: "Ugh! Whatever."

One by one, the Loud siblings made their way to Lori and Leni's room. This was to discuss how they can help Luna with her current predicament.

But as soon as everyone left, Luna's door slightly opens. Luna takes a eye peak of her door just to see if her siblings were gone. Luna closes the door and locks it. She then continues to walk to the centre of her room, and lays down as she is still saddened by Sam's rejection of her affection.

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