Chapter 8: The Band's Back Together Again

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Luna was finally back at school now, but for some unknown reasons, she was actually looking forward to being at school now.

Was it because of the upcoming band battle between Luna's band and Y/N? Or perhaps the thought of her old bandmates coming back together as a band boiled her blood up? Either way, Luna was excited to finally be at school and could now start to move forward with her life. For the better, she wanted to forget what had happened to her last week and now presume to get her band back all together.

But there was something else that was bothering Luna.

It was Sam.

Luna still had mix feelings about her and also about the rejection received from her. It wasn't her fault though, but it did hurt Luna. Previously, Luna had gone through a heavy depression, the week after her rejection but luckily though, she had the loving grace of her family to support her through those sad moments. For this reason alone, Luna needed to talk to Sam one on one. And finally settle things between them once and for all.

'It's for the best.' Luna thought.

Another pressing matter was that, was to return back Y/N recording tape. Luna had been meaning to give it back to him for a sometime now but for reasons unknown, the song Y/N was singing was addicting to her. But most importantly, what was the song about? What was the meaning behind the lyrics?

Luna's thoughts were filled with questions about the recording tape. But Luna shook her head about it and instead, had more pressing matters she needed to do.

As Luna walks through the school hallway, she is still reflecting about the current state of her and her band, while trying her best to blend in with her fellow students.

Eventually, she comes across her locker and unlocks it with ease.

Luna's locker was nothing nomal for her, as expected . Except, she had a big poster of her idol, Mick Swagger. But nonetheless, she mainly had her books, headphones, and other typically school stuff. But not only that, probably the most important item she has in her locker was a picture of Sam and Luna together. Though, the picture was long ripped apart since that sudden incident occurred.

Mixed thoughts went through Luna's head for a while about why did she kept the ripped picture. Better yet, Luna needed to focus on her plan to bring back the band again.

She begins packing up her books and reorganising her locker. Until, Luna heard a familiar voice from where she was.

It sounded like Y/N voice?

Luna closes her locker and locks it while she immediately follows the sound of his voice.

For some unknown reason, Luna was actually looking forward to talking to Y/N again. Luna could feel her heart speeding up at the thought of him. Why was that? Was she just excited or perhaps, just wanting to talk to him.

As Luna goes around a conor, with her body pressed against a locker, Luna had a bright smile on her.

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