Chapter 4: Rising Star

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AN: I don't really like to beg like this but it would really be appreciated by me if you guys could comment below. This would definitely help me out a lot, as this will encourage myself to write more often and having a reason to continue the storyline. My reason for this is mostly because I would be happy every time I would get a comment on my story. Be it, a good comment or a bad comment, I wouldn't care, it'll just let me know that my readers are at least reading my stories and enjoying them. So, thank you for your time and enjoy the chapter.


Currently, Luna was paying attention to the teacher and Y/N at the very same time. Oddly enough, Y/N didn't pay much attention to Luna's behaviour, but instead, kept to himself as his teacher was teaching her class. Much to the annoyances to Luna, she was trying to figure out how he came to be in her exact classroom? The performance, the dreams, and now this! This got Luna frustrated at how much he's able to interfere with her life to the point of this.

Threw out the lecture, Luna continues to stare sharply at Y/N, behind his back. Y/N can slightly feel the intense gaze upon him but continues to listen to his teacher. Unknown to Luna, Mazzy has been closely watching her, seeing her friend like this is rather funny. Mazzy knew Luna since junior high and her acting this way to a boy who helped her out on the day of her performance, was weird of her to do this. In Mazzy thoughts, she knew Luna better than this, she is never mean to anyone, she is kind hearted, never yells or outright cruel. Seeing Luna like this though, Mazzy thought it's cute really and also interesting.

A while later, the school bell rang for morning tea. Everyone started packing up their papers, books into their bags, while some students made their way to the cafeteria lounge.

This was Luna's chance now, to talk to Y/N. She gets up from her table seat and before she can get to him, Mazzy and other students are already talking to him and introducing themselves. Frustrating by this, Luna scratches her head in annoyance and proceeds to pack her belongings and walks out of the classroom.

As she leaves, Y/N watches her with a worried expression.

Y/N: "Is she okay? She looks... Trouble."

Mazzy: "You mean Luna? Well, she's kinda going through something but enough of her right now. I wanna ask you something."

Y/N: "What is it?"

Mazzy smiles.

Mazzy: "Wanna join the music club?"

Angry, frustrated, Luna didn't get a chance to talk to Y/N. 'Mazzy had to interfere and talk to him first' Luna thought.

As Luna walks the hallway, still mad, she suddenly bumps into someone.

Luna: "Ah! S-sorry dude! My bad for not looking' stra-"

Luna came to realise that she accidentally bumped into Sam, who looks surprised.

Sam: "Luna! It's you!"

Sam goes straight for a hug, turning Luna red in the face. A short second, Sam releases Luna and said with a smile.

Sam: "Gosh, Luna! You're performance was rockin'! The lyrics and sounds were so amazing! It's such a shame you didn't win but still, but I bet you're family must be very proud of you."

Panicking on the inside, Luna needed to focus and reply back with a clear answer.

Luna: "Y-yeah dude... You know me... Luna Loud... The next big up and coming... Rockstar..."

The atmosphere was still awkward for Luna, still refusing to forget about the incident with Sam.

Sam: "Man... For some reason, I feel like we haven't spoken to each other for a while now... I know! Let's go eat in the cafeteria lounge and catch up."

Rockstar (Luna Loud x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now