Chapter 6: Music Can Heal

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Roger: "This sucks man! I mean, we were the one's who were meant to hitch that gig today but NOPE! We totally got a god-damn no from that prick of an a** manager! Like, what the hell is his problem?!"

Jade: "Chill, dude. I get where you're saying but our music just doesn't the hit the right vibes for his business. That's all..."

Max: "He's got a point, Roger. But still though... That manager was kinda a prick once we were done playing a practice show."

Irritated by the commotion of his friends, Y/N speaks up loudly.

Y/N: "Guys... Shut up! What's done is done! Like, Jade said. It's not the manager's fault, that our music didn't fit in with his business."

Y/N had a point though. Their music was simply too violent or just isn't family friendly with the manager's type of establishment. The kind of music Y/N band play isn't the type you would hear from just any rock band, you would hear naturally. Their music was deep, meaningful and out right heavy stuff. Not the kind of show you would take elementary kids or middle school kids to go listening too. At least, not till they grow up and truly understand the concept of rock and roll.

As Y/N and his band were chatting about and walking near an alleyway, Y/N was deep in thought about her? Luna Loud. He hadn't the foggiest idea on why he was so persistent with trying to friend her? Was it because there was a mutual understanding between the two, or something deeper?

As Y/N was walking with his friends, he heard a huge amount of laughter, coming from inside a alleyway. Y/N and his band stopped their foots instantly once the laughter had gotten louder and sounded wrong.

Y/N: "What the?"

Curious, Y/N goes to the source of the laughter while Y/N band look upon each other confused. As Y/N continues to investigate the source of the sound, his friends follows behind him.

Still confused, Roger is first to speak up.

Roger: "Yo, King! Their probably just having a good time or something. Come on man. Let's head back to my car and we can all-"

The bulgur vulgar smell hit him. Their was a now strange smell in the air. The group stopped where they were walking and instantly knew what it was and now understood why their were people nearby laughing historically.

Jade: "Jesus. I hope right now, I'm not smelling what I think it is?"

Y/N: "It's booze..."

Max: "The strong kind too."

Roger: "If I have to guess, I'll say it's probably beer they're drinking."

But Y/N smells something different.

Y/N: "Whisky!"

As odd as it might seem, Y/N friends didn't really care at all if people were drunking. To them, it seems as if they're all just drinking about, having a jolly old good time. There wasn't any need for them to interfere in their party.

Now understanding the situation, Y/N friends see this as pointless, by which Roger speaks up on.

Roger: "Hey, King. What are we doin' here anyway? Them peps are just probably having a good time to themselves. It's not like us to mind other people's business anyway. So... Come on. Let's head back to my car and..."

Refusing to listen, Y/N continues to follow through the alleyway. This in turns, makes Roger piss while Jade and Max, chuckle to themselves.

Roger: "Why you son of a..."

Y/N reason for leaving was mostly because of a gut feeling. A huge gut feeling in fact.

As he continues to go deeper through the alleyway, the smell of liqueur only became stronger and the laughter, more historical. Sure, his friends were right about minded other people's business but something was off with Y/N, by which he needed to investigate this.

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