Chapter 11: Let's Rock

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'I feel as though, I've gone through something? Or rather, an experience of some sort. Is it a change of the heart or... Are they feelings? No... They can't be. For I have never known love before nor have I ever been loved by someone else before. But even so, Luna is different, I am different. Only difference is though... I'm the bad kind of different. I'm not the sort of person who deserves to be loved. Hell, I'm not even the sort of person someone will have feelings for! But again, I have had girlfriends before in the past. Luna though... She's different from the rest. She actually trys to bring out the best of me. She reminds me of how I used to be so innocent back in my early days. Before the... Abuse. The drugs, the boozes. Luna through, despite her... Fallings. I still cherish our friendship greatly. I wish there comes a day I could tell her how in reality, I am someone who isn't deserving of her friendship. I know I've helped her plenty before but... Helping people is like medicine to me. Though, it really does make me feel jealous about the fact that I didn't had anyone back then to help me. Back in those days. With my anxiety, my depression, my drug abuse. My inner demons. I... I really do need to quit it all but... How can I...? Really! When in reality... It really does hurt when I try! But... I can't help it. No matter how hard I try. My pain will forever continue.'

Out of the blues, Y/N is woken up from his slumber by Roger. Opening his drury eyes, Y/N rubs his eyes and gazes goes towards Roger, who is looking rather concerned about his friend.

Roger: "You doin' alright, buddy?"

Y/N: "Y-yeah. Why?"

Roger: "You're ah. You're kinda lookin' a bit sweaty, dude."

Y/N: "Huh?"

Y/N hadn't noticed before but as he was in his house garage, Y/N head and face was covered in hot sweat. It wasn't as though playing with his bandmates had built up the sweat but rather something seemed to be bothering him. Out of concern though, Roger figured he'd better check up on this.

As Y/N stood up from where he was laying, he grabbed his phone out his pockets and quickly checked himself out on the camera view. Now seeing himself, Roger was right about him sweating himself. It wasn't as though he was full of sweat but it had become noticeable enough for the rest of the band to take notice of it.

While Y/N was checking himself, Roger expression was concerned about this. About him.

Roger: "Maybe you should cut it out with the zannies, dude. Like, maybe you should stop mixing it in with you're medicine. That kind of stuff can really screw up you're brains, ya'know. "

Y/N gives off an irritating look towards Roger. Like this was his first time seeing him like this.

Y/N: I'm fine! I've been like this before. It ain't nothin' to be worrying about."

Roger: "You sure?"

Y/N: "Look, it ain't the zannies nor is it my medication! It's probably just... Built up sweat from band practice today."

'Is it really.'

Roger: "Look, all I'm sayin' is-"

Y/N: "But nothin'! It's nothin', you hear me!"

Roger wanted to just talk about it but seeing him emotional about this, Roger had no choice but to stand down. At least, till he's ready to talk about it.

Roger: "Alright... Fine."

Roger walks off into the distance, joining the rest of the band who are currently waiting on their vocalist to lead them.

From a small distance to himself, Jade calls out to Y/N for his attention.

Jade: "Y/N mate! You ready to start our rehearsal or what!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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