Chapter 10: Let's Talk

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The aftermath of the cafeteria lounge was a strange event for everyone who had a chance to witness both Lori and Y/N argument. Despite Y/N still being entirely new to the school, the students were all too surprised for when they learnt a bit of his past. Mysterious as it is, it wasn't the school's business to know about his past. At least, not yet anyways. Though, sooner or later, this was most definitely going to be a big gossip around school but this wouldn't really bothered Y/N. Maybe for Lori but since she called herself one of the popular kids, she should be able to keep the rumours at bay till things have settled down.

Currently right now, Y/N was in his final class, waiting patiently for the period to end.

A lot was going through Y/N thoughts. There were plenty of things he wanted to tell Luna about and how really all of this is truly simply a small misunderstanding between them. But Y/N found it strange at first on why Luna was acting so cold towards him this way? Mazzy at first threw some bizarre questions at him at hints of hidden feelings for him but like always, Y/N ignored Mazzy. But during today studies, they were plenty of curious students asking Y/N about his backstory and what exactly did he mean by 'All those people are already dead'

The way Y/N would handle a question like this was always the same though. He would just play stupid and make up an unbelievable story about what he meant by it. He did this for the sole purpose of trying to make these curious students lose interest about him and went about their day as usual.

As Y/N was on his desk finishing his work, he felt something soft hit him behind his back. Y/N turns around and sees Sam pointing down below something at him. Y/N looks down and now realise she wants him to read her piece of paper she just chucked at him. Y/N quickly picks up the small crashed piece of paper and unfolds it to read what it says.

As Y/N reads the letter sent from Sam, the following are as stated by her:

'Can we talk after school?'

Y/N pokes up an eyelid in confusion as he planning on going to talk to Luna about this misunderstanding about him and Sam.

Y/N looks at Sam and sees her smiling warmly at him with a passionate expression on her face. She even goes as far as to wink at him.

Y/N casually waves hello and quietly resumes back into doing his work again. But if there was one thing that was clear to Y/N, it was that he didn't have the time on him to be talking to Sam after school. At least not today.

[Some Time Later]

The final bell had finally rang, alerting everyone that school has now finished. Luckily for Y/N, he had already talked to his club members about booking the music room for Luna and him alone for their toe to toe talk. All were completely fine by it until Mazzy started began saying a whole lot of bizarre of rude things about him and Luna but Y/N wasn't really going to let this get to him as he knows Mazzy easily get's annoyed if she can't get a reaction or a even a small response from Y/N. But still though, all the club members agreed to let Y/N have the room to himself but during his talk with them, Y/N saw only for a brief moment of Sam and her discomfort face about it. Y/N played no attention to her reaction about it but this did not go unnoticed by him either.

As Y/N packs his belongings on his table, he could've swore he saw Sam poking her head outside the doorway. She seems to be patiently waiting for him. Upon realising Y/N seeing her though, Sam quickly had her head out of the doorway out of embarrassment.

As cute as it may seem, Y/N had no time to be talking to Sam now and was in a hurry to get to the music clubroom and see Luna. So Y/N needed to be quick about this.

As Y/N steps outside, he could faintly hear Sam say to him joyfully.

Sam: "Hey Y/N! Got time to talk? Cause, I was wondering if you wanted to-"

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