lily on fire

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    "Set a lily on fire, watch as the flames light up
    The old hollowed out piano in the dark grass
    Hold the white flower out like a torch"

    The girl wore skin tight pants and a black hood that covered just her torso. Her bare arms pale in the moonlight. The glass glints as she passes over it in a flourish of dark material. A smile placed on her lips as she enjoys her job. A rope flies out of her hand up to the second floor and it pulls her up, legs a blur as she runs up the wall. Her body is vaulted over the balcony and she lands with her leg out for balance, pulling the rest of the rope and wrapping it around her knuckles. She uses this to punch the two men out, flat on their backs. Not a sound leaves the bubble of the fight. Her controlled and precise movements dancing, catching the mans grunts and pushing them back into his mouth. She enters the building with shadows rippling around her ankles. The same smile on her face. Small throwing knives leap from her fingers, embedding themselves in the wall around the queen. But the queen face doesn't form surprise. Her fingers rise up and gently tug the blades out of the plaster. Nails sculpted and her body a collection of soft lines, angles and rounded edges. Her eyes were different. They held the stormy sea in a milky glass pupil. Nothing was soft about her blindness.

    The girl fished out two more blades and ran towards the blind queen. The woman did not move an inch, stood with her hands folded above her stomach, simply listening to the oncoming death. The girls smile didn't leave her lips until she was apon the queen, her hand pushing her shoulder, right back and into the wall. But the planned knife wasn't there. It didn't pierce the queens back. There was no blood. Instead the queen lightly held the blade in her hand, angled towards the girl. A gasp and then the queen side stepped, out of the girls grasp and towards the balcony. Her sight was completely gone so the girl did not know how but the queen stepped up, balanced on the ledge. Her arms held out, she gracefully fell backwards. The girl rushed forward but saw the queen hovering in the air. Both her eyes were clear as the night sky above them.

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