Chapter 1 : Bad news

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"I don't really know Chocho, i can't accept the fact that they don't have time to write a single letter to let me know they're fine " Said a women, with red glasses, long hair and an outfit with the uchiha crest on the back.

"Listen, no need to worry, I'm sure they're fine, and you know sometimes you just can't find the time to write something, but what is sure is that they didn't forget you ! Come on Sarada, now I need to go or the two others are going to be a drag..." Respond what seems like an Alimichi, with long hair too, named ChoCho.

They waved at each other and walked in opposite direction.

Sarada knew something was wrong, she couldn't describe it, it was like she was feeling sick.

But she knew that everything's fine, right ?

"Daydreaming in the village is not a good idea after all... Why am I here ?!" She thought as she looked around.

"There you are Sarada !" a voice called her from the roof behind her.

"Huh ?! Konohamaru-sensei, What's wrong ?" She said recognizing her Master.

"Come on Sarada, we don't have enough time to speak here, i'll just explain you while going to the hokage tower."

"O-Okay" She said a bit anxious.

While running to their direction, they were joined by Mitsuki

"What's the matter Sensei" She started.

"We...We have a bad news, it's better if the homage tell's you himself..." Respond their sensei.

Sarada was already anxious but now, they wasn't any word which can describe how she felt at that moment...

All the way she was thinking, or more like hoping, that this wasn't who she was thinking of. But who else could this be ?
Her team was called, the Hokage himself needs to tell them about it because their sensei seemed not in good mood for saying it. For Sarada they were enough proofs to actually affirm that it was about him. But still, she hoped that is was something good,  but everything seems so sad, that she knew it, it wasn't something great.


Arriving at the Hokage Tower, we could already hear some whispering, Mitsuki and Sarada couldn't hear them, they were too focused on the building right in front of them.

They walked, with anxiety growing every step, they entered the tower, only to meet, nobody...

They were nobody on the tower, which surprised Sarada, but Mitsuki was really deep in thought, so she went toward him, put her hand on his shoulder, and ask him : "Are you okay ? "

He turned himself towards her, a little bit scared to be honest, but she didn't wanted an answer, but just his look was enough.

"Everything going to be fine !" She said forcing herself to smile.

"How can you say that when you are actually shaking ?" He responded pointing out her hand.

"J-just a bit cold..." she said with a laugh. He smiles.

"At list he seems less stressful about the whole situation." She thought.

After that, they continue their way to the Hokage's Office, but when they did one step, someone rushed down the stairs, and run towards them.

"T-the Hoka-Hokage is w-waiting for you a-all !" She said breathless.

"Huh, o-okay, but are you okay ? You are out of breath, wh-" Mitsuki said.

"I'm Fine, but i think you need to hurry before the Hokage become more angrier than he already is." she said, after that she leaved the tower, leaving them alone.

Sarada was going to speak, but her sensei interrupt her.

"You heard her right ? We need to go to the Hokage's Office as quick as we can, so let's go." Konohamaru said.

Both nodded.

So they walked trough the tower, walking in the corridor, to be just in front of the door.

We could hear everything, but Sarada was too deep in thought to heard anything, acutally she was wondering, what going to happened after she opened  this door, but she couldn't think straight, the overwhelming stress was all over her body, every part of her body was shaking. But being an Uchiha, she was proud, enough to opened the door, and to see the nanadaime, angry ?!

She knew it, but he wasn't just angry, no, he was furious. About what, she didn't know, but what she knew is that the Hokage was yelling at her dad, who was just standing there, not saying anything, just admitting his fault. But for what ?

They entered the room, and place themselves in front of the desk, to Sarada's surprise, her dad didn't look at her, and he was looking, at the floor ?!

"H-huh ?! I never saw him doing that before, is this what he did when he's felling guilty ?" She thought, but she was quickly interrupt by the Nanadaime, Naruto Uzumaki.

"Team 7..." He started, and sighed.

"I have to announce you, that ...." His hands were shaking, and In all of their mind, they knew.

"Uzumaki Boruto, has leaved the team... And is now considered as a Rogue Ninja.

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