Chapter 7 : Mission

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What could she means by "My test is working, and i've got my result..." I've got to say that sometimes, i just have no clue on what my mother is thinking...Does that mean i like him or not ?

"She tells me to find out but how ?! It's not like i can find it out this easily... " I thought.

As i walked toward my bedroom's door, i heard 'knock'.

"Hm ? Yeah, come in !" as the door opens i saw her beautiful green eyes.

"Breakfast ready, and, Nar- Hm, the Hokage summon you to his office." She began to close the door but i interrupt her.

"What for ?"

"I don't know, but it must be important if he summons you and your father." She said closing the door.

"Weird. Maybe i have a mission with Papa ? That would be great, but something's  odd...Anyways, gotta prepare myself.

After a while, Sarada came downstairs, in her mission's outfit. She, then sat and ate her breakfast.

"Ow, you're really excited about this summoning, aren't you ?" Mama said, placing her plate on the table.

"I am, it's not everyday that i got summon with dad." I said while smiling. 

"Hn. Don't be fooled by that, it's not because i will be here that everything will be in control..." Said Papa placing his plate as well, on the table. 

"Right. By the way, did Mitsuki has been summon too ?" I asked. Papa nodded.

"Okay i'll go find him, and walk to the Hokage Tower with him, if that isn't bothering you Papa ?"  I continue.

"Hn.  As long as you're in time to the Hokage's Office. It's fine" He answered.

"Thanks Papa !" I said, finishing my own plate, and walking toward the kitchen.


As i was walking, with Mitsuki, towards The Hokage Tower, we spoke a little.

"Hey, sarada ?" 

"Hm ?" 

"Do you think this is something related to Boruto ?"

"Huh, i dunno. Maybe ? It could, but i think the Hokage, wouldn't do something if it's about Boruto, you know ?"

"I see..." Mitsuki said, while walking a little faster. "Maybe it's just me after all..."

"Wait, what ? What are you talking about ?" I said, catching up with him.

"I don't really know how i feel that, maybe the snakes ? But something is telling me it's related to him...somehow..." He continue, looking sad.

"Maybe, i thought of this possibility but we can't be 100% sure , ya know !" I said, trying to cheer him up.

"He did change you, huh ?" He looked at me, with a smile.

"What do you mean ?"

"Oh nothing "you know, ya know," " He said, giggling.

"Hey! that's not funny ! A-and i did that on purpose..." I tried to defend myself.

"That's not what your face is telling me. Well, enough with the teasing, for now, we should really hurry." He start walking way faster than before. But i was relief he stopped this teasing...

"Hey ! don't leave me behind !" i said, running toward him, still blushing a little.


Arriving in the Hokage's Office, Papa was already here, as well as the Seventh, and Shikamaru.

"So, i decided, that Team 7 will not have another member. We will not replace Boruto, because i'm sure there is an explanation about him going rogue." Said The Seventh.

"You might now be thinking why you're here, it's because of a mission..."  Shikamaru added.

Mitsuki and I nodded, waiting for the details of the mission.

"You may know, that with all this story about Boruto, some people are taking advantage of this situation, and then, they organizing robberies, or maybe far worse than that." Papa said.

We nodded, again.

"Good. Because that's actually what you're going to confront tomorrow, Team 7 ! And on top of that, Sasuke, here, will accompany you." Said the Seventh smiling brightly like always.

Sometimes, i wonder how can he keep smiling in the worst situation, but he isn't the Hokage for nothing ! And that's exactly what i'm aiming to be !

We nodded, "Dismissed !" added the Seventh, and we left the room, with Papa.

As we walked out of the room, Papa interrupts me, and gesture Mitsuki to continue.

"What is it Papa ?" i asked, but inside of me i knew why he stopped me.

"If in this mission we encounter him...let me do it..." Papa said. I nodded.

As he start walking again, i interrupted him, "And what if it doesn't work ?" 

"It will, it has to work." He responds.

Then, we walked toward our house , completely forgetting about Mitsuki.

When we arrive, we walked inside, and i walk directly toward my room.

"So, maybe i will finally be able to see you , huh ? Maybe i'll discover what Mama was talking about...Or not. Well as for now i need to prepare myself for this mission." I thought.

So i went toward my wardrobe, and find all my stuffs, and put them apart, preparing all i needed for the mission.

 All right ! Boruto, prepare yourself, i'm gonna bring you back ! No Matter What ! 

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