Chapter 2 :The truth behind the evil

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"He's... What !" She screamed.
She was shocked, but mostly betrayed. She couldn't trust what she heard, maybe she was hallucinating, that what she was repeating to herself. But she knew exactly what she just heard.

"How could he ?! He promised me tha-" her thought were, again, interrupt, by her Father this time, surprisingly.

"It was my fault, I shouldn't have let him... I shouldn't...." he muttered, but he interrupt everybody in the room saying in his normal voice, as if he regained composure, slamming the deck of his best-friend/ brother Naruto "I will bring him back, that's my student after all, I will not let him go with the enemies that easily."

Naruto seems to relax a bit after hearing that, because he knew that Sasuke hasn't lost one mission since a long time, but still, in the inside he was still mad at Boruto for betraying the village, but mostly his friends and family. Of course he wanted some explanation from him but mostly he wanted to see his son again for his mother and sister but also for him.

Everyone stares at Sasuke, switching to Naruto, and back to Sasuke, they wanted explanation from Sasuke and wanted an answer from Naruto...

"Okay, but this will be considered as a mission, and if anything go wrong, Team 7 here, we'll be under your orders." Naruto finally answered.

"Hn. I will do an exception for this one..." said Sasuke.

Also everyone wanted some explanations on how it happened, how Boruto became rogue. And it's Mitsuki who decides to break the silence.

"So, care to explain how all of this happened ?"

Everyone went silent, but they eyes were saying enough, and it was enough to make Sasuke a little bit pressured.

" From now, it must be 5-6 months or so, we were contacted both of us for a special mission, usually it would have been me alone, but I trusted him enough, after all that wasn't his first time doing this type of mission."

He paused for a moment and sigh, but then start.

*** FlashBack ***

"Boruto, another mission..." in responds he nods, and went in his room, i did the same.

We didn't need a lot of things, but just the necessary. After too long hours, our package were ready, i put them in a scroll each, he takes his and put it in his back pocket. I take mine as well, and we were ready to go. I use my rinnegan to leave our bunker, because while we aren't in a mission, we live in a bunker which is impossible to enter without creating a portal trough dimensions, and of course I can do it, and Boruto as well with his jōgan. Anyway, we entered the portal and lead us to our destination, lucky for us it wasn't that far from where the bunker is, so that didn't waste too much chakra.

We arrived in the forest near a little village. We walked a little and introduced ourselves to the villagers and they talked about why they called us.

"They are coming every day, they want everything we have, and if we don't give it, they threatening us..." One of the villagers said.

We both nodded,then Boruto said " Can you tell us more about "They" ?"

"We don't know a lot of things about them, we only know they are calling themself "Kara"..." Said another villager.

"I see, well then it would be preferable if we stay somewhere near the village, so that we can directly confront them next time they come." I said.

They pointed a hotel in front of us, we both nodded and excuse ourselves, then we went to this hotel.

After having our own chamber, we decide to make a plan for tomorrow's attack, and we went to sleep.

The next morning was calm, we were already patrolling for one hour, and then we found them, they were already terrorizing the villagers. Boruto and i rushed where they were, and try to negotiate, so we discuss.

"Why won't you leave all those villagers alone ?" Boruto started.

"I see, Uzumaki Boruto, huh ? Son of the Seventh Hokage of Konoha, and Momoshiki's vessel, it's like we just win the jackpot guys !" said one of the member to his teammates. 

"Not so fast, we're here to find a solution to all of this, so please cooperate." I said.

The same guy who spoke earlier, out of nowhere, appear behind me and tries to knock me out. Lucky for me, i have the sharingan, i clash my sword against his fist.

"What th-" I thought.

"Impressed huh ? I'm not at my best, so prepare yourself !" He said.

I checked at Boruto, he was already fighting the two others members. They were fast, and really organized, but Boruto seems to have really improved in Taijustu, as well for his sword's skills. Actually i was proud of him as this moment.

"Look at me ! I'm your enemy after all !" My "enemy" said angrily. I turned around and dodge a punch, thanks again to my sharingan.

"I don't have to worry about Boruto, so it's just him and i... Perfect." I thought.

But juts when i was going to attack the villagers formed a wall in front of the enemies, with, on everybody's face, a smirk.

I might admit i was a little impressed, again...

"Boruto, it seems like we just fall into a trap..." I said.

"We'll have to take them down, but warning this is surely a genjutsu, so don't hurt the villagers, Ok ?" I continued.

No answers.

"Boruto ? " I turned around. No one.

I called out, " Boruto ?!"

I turned around again. No one.

"Where are the villagers ? Where are the enemies ? And, mostly WHERE IS BORUTO !?

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