Chapter 10 : Seeing the Light Again

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Sarada POV :

We found our way outside the room. 

"Funny how it is pretty similar to one of my dad's hideout..." said Mitsuki.

"Do you mean..." Konohamaru started.

"Well, this one seems to has been left out since a good time now, but i think if it's the one i'm thinking, we can go outside easily..." He smiled.

That was some good news, but still "We first have to find my father..." I said.

They nodded.

"And then, we have to find the Mask man..." Konohamaru-sensei said.

Mitsuki and I nodded.


We walked in silence. For minutes...Hours...

Luckily we found our weapon, strange considering the fact that the Masked man said that he wouldn't take my weapons away... I guess he lied.

"Didn't you say that you knew this place, Mitsuki ?" i asked.

"Huh, yeah, but i think it's not the good hideout...sorry" He said.

"No worries, let's try to go on the right every time okay ?" Konohamaru said.

We nodded.

We did as we were told. Somehow we found a room. A new room to be exact. it wasn't like where we were before... 

"What is that ?" I said pointing at a shadow.

"Let's see..." Konohamaru-sensei starts walking towards it, until...

"It moved !!!" I thought.

"Who are you ?" Konohamaru-sensei then said. grabbing one of his kunai.

Silence. He asks again. Still no answers. 

"Are you going to tell us what you want from us ?!" I almost yelled.

"Finally a useful question..." He said. Definitely not the Masked Man. 

"You're not the same person as the Masked Man..." Said Mitsuki.

"Right. I'm not..." He stepped in the light."But we can say that i'm with him..." 

We could. He was wearing a mask too. A different one. More like one of Konoha's ANBU.

"Are you related to Konoha in some way ?" Asked Konohamaru-sensei asked.

"Oh..." He tilted his head, and stopped, maybe he was thinking ? "I can say so... But i don't have anything to do with it anymore" He said. "Why am i speaking to you about all of this..." He whispered, and looked at the ground.

"Okay..." Mitsuki said.

"So... To answer the first question, i want absolutely nothing from you, but you maybe know something that could be interesting for me..."

"Which is ?" I asked,  i didn't trust this man, something just felt wrong talking to him right now...

"You talked about 'The Masked Man', so i want to know where he is...If i may asked." He said.

"W-we don't know, we walked for hours and still didn't find how to leave this place, nor the Masked man..."Konohamaru-sensei responded.

"Now that i think about it, this guy seems to be around Mitsuki's Height, maybe a little shorter..."

"And my dad..." I added.

"Hmm, i see. I can help you with that, i know how to get out from here... I will find this idiot somehow don't worry." He paused. "As for your Father..." He sighed. "Let's say that i encountered him... He will be at Konoha when you're going to be back there..."

"Huh ?!" I was shocked... How could he says that like that... " Did you do something to him ?!" I was starting to get angry.

"Nothing, we talked that's all..." He thought for a second, " Ohh ! I can prove it to you..." He then slowly put his arm behind his back, and take out a scroll, which he gave me...

Inside the scroll was a letter, from my dad.... 

"I will be back to Konoha around the same time as you, but for now i found something that could be a danger towards Konoha... Please Sarada be safe, Sasuke."

I couldn't believe my eyes... This man had a letter from my dad... "How ?" 

"He knows that you're wouldn't have trust me without that, i guess" He answered.

"So.. You said that you could get us all out from here ?" Konohamaru-sensei said.

"I can... it's your choice to follow me, i won't slow down for you..." He said already starting to walk.

We all followed him, not sure if we should trust him, but after an hour we saw the light again.

"What a pleasure to see that again..." Sighed Mitsuki.

"Now that you're all out, i have something to do, but don't let your guard down, my partners, as stupid as he is, can easily try to kidnap you again, even though this time i will be here..." The Other Masked man said.

"So you don't want to share your identity, but you want to protect us ? What is wrong with you ?" I asked.

"Some things never change i guess..." He mumbled.

"You were searching me ?" The Masked Man appeared on a cliff.

The two of them starts arguing, even though the one that 'save' us was calm all the time. Suddenly, He disappeared, and knocked out The Masked Man on the cliff.

"What was t-" Konohamaru-sensei said.

"you couldn't see that too right ..." Mitsuki asked me.

My jaw literally dropped, i was normally able to see trough that, but not this time. "What is that Jutsu..."

He then reappeared in front of us, his partner on his shoulder. 

"If you want to know konoha is this way..." He pointed a direction, "For your mission take this..." He gave us another scroll, "You're at 1-2 Hours from Konoha if you run. It won't be a problem for you. Now it's time to say goodbye.." He then disappeared again but then we heard, "I know that we will meet again, somehow..."

All of us were, shocked. We could say it, but this man was friendly with us...

"Something is definitely up with this man, Papa please find something about him..." I thought.

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