Chapter 6 : Another point of view

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They were still standing there, as if i was going to leave. I sigh and ask," what do you guys want ?"

Well, i didn't need to ask, i already knew what they wanted, but i'm not an idiot, or not anymore, but still, i wasn't going to tell them what they wanted,but just, continue playing the dumb one. I want to play it solo, for now...

"We want informations about the Seventh Hokage, like his weaknesses, you know, all that kind of stuff..." one guy said.

Again, i sigh, " I already told you, the only things i know about him, is that he's a stupid old man. He's just reckless and negligent..." I told them.

I didn't thought it, i was just playing, if you want to know, i thought that when i was younger, i was selfish and at the same time i wasn't, kind of weird. As for now, my thoughts about him grew more and more, because, i realised that he had the most important job, and even if we want him to do something, he's still human like us, and we can do all of our tasks at the same time. I know, he's still my old man, but only in my heart, i will never tell him though...

After all, he's my enemy now, and i need to kill him.

"Uzumaki...Boruto... Glad to see you alive, never thought about you surviving the Uchiha's attacks. The Sharingan's of his are really useful."

"Delta....Well, you see, when you already know your opponent and his strategies, it's like you have the advantage in the fight..." I told her.

"Oh ? Is that so, i would think it most like you already won the fight..." she responded.

"Not really, you see, in a fight, every movements are decisive, but not only that, "As long as you have something to fight for, you're pretty sure to win." and the battle will be on who have that "something" and what they are capable to do to protect it."

"Wow, really deep.. but i need my time to be wasted by you, so please, be a nice little boy, and follow me..." She said as she opened the cell's door.

I followed her, as we walked through the hall, we could see, humans being tortured, or just being eat alive, or corpses decomposing while still being handcuffed. 

"Nice decoration..." i said with sarcasm.

"Be quiet... for once..." she responded.

Actually, i didn't talk that much. In comparison to the past, i'm like 99% less talkative.

"This face of yours is disgusting me...mostly your hair, they're just like your father..." she continued bitterly.

"Good for you, i already planned on dyeing them." I whispered behind her.

"Cool, i can't stand seeing this yellow...We're here."  she whispered as well.

"So...Uchiha Sasuke didn't kill you, that's a good point for us, we have the advantage now..." a voice said.

I asked permission to talk, and a hand gestures me to do so,

"Not really, actually, i think we're more in disadvantage, if you think of it, my master, Uchiha Sasuke, now know that i joined your organisation, he may surely know that you're not putting all your trust in me, and not letting me outside the hideout because of that and the fact that i'm researched by now, but mostly, i wasn't able to defeat him, it was a tough fight, but he got me many times on vital points, i'm more than lucky to have this fast regeneration...." 

"I see, you're not as idiot as i thought, look, this karma and jogan of yours, is going to be really helpful to succeed our objectif. So, i have one question to ask you, Are you ready to yield your life to our cause ?"

I didn't have to think twice, so i respond quickly,  " I am."

I was now in my cell, again, i was sitting against the wall, waiting. 

"Come on, show some emotion at list, the boss didn't kill you ahah" One of my guard said.

I looked at him,  and, as emotionless as i am, i said " I could care less about your lives and end it now, so leave me alone."

One of them started getting angry, just as i thought, " What ?! You want to prove that, come at me !" he almost screamed.

"Well, rectification, i don't care if you live or die, you're just useless, so what's the point in killing you..." i said.

What do you wanted from me, since my training , i am now, "empty ?" i think we can say that. I can't really feel emotions now, or at least that's what others thinks. I am not going to all friendly because they want me to be, i want to be me, and only me.

"If you want  to be useful for once in your life, can you find me a dye of black, for my hair, thanks !"

"I'm gonna cru-" "Calm down, no need to respond to his provocations..." The other guard said.

"The clever one..." i thought.

As another guard, walked past them, they asked him to find it, and some minute later return with it and with a bucket of water.

Time to transform Uzumaki Boruto from Konoha to Uzumaki Boruto, the rogue ninja the most researched in the world.

Thanks for reading, it's been a while since the last update, sorry i wanted to enjoy my break,but still i'm back with a little surprise as you saw, hope you enjoyed it ! And, a friend of mine, maybe you know him, nextshinobi and he wrote some BoruSara fics read them they're really awesome !, but the point is, he create a Discord server, where i am, and if you want to join it it's right here, so Welcome !

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