Chapter 3 : Betraying

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"You're telling me he has been kidnapped !" screamed Naruto.

"Then why declare him as Rogue !" continued Sarada. "Yeah, why ?" joined Naruto.

"I'm not done yet with my story...." said Sasuke, while Mitsuki was just watching them three, but he seems more relaxed than before.

*** FlashBacks***

It has been 3 months since i started my research to find Boruto, i had some informations, but not enough to actually act. Since i was still researching, i was in another village, a different one and far from where all of this happened, but the villagers seems to have the same problem as the other one, so i was suspicious.

"It surely is the same trap, but why would they try to capture me ? This doesn't make any sense..." i thought while walking through the village.

After being in the village for now, 2 weeks, everything seems normal, i don't need to be suspicious anymore. This same day, They attacked the village, being here, i did what i thought would be the best way to see their strength and this was also my chance to take Boruto back, only if i follow them, and i could have the info of their hideout.

I made some clones and disguise them as shinobis, and they joined the battle. After less than a minute, they were already dead. I decide to stay hided, but use my sharingan to see their movements. They were only two guys, one seems robust and the other one seems to be the fastest of the two. After a while, they seemed tired of all the villagers trying to defend their village.

That's when i decide to start the real fight. they saw me, and were already rushing at me. I dodge the robust one, and grabbed the other one and send him flying through the wall. Meanwhile, the other one was trying to punch/kick me, he was fast, but not enough to hit me. I grab his fist, and put him on a genjutsu.

The other one was now standing, and rushing at me, i thought it would be easy to take him down since the robust one was asleep, but turns out he broke the genjutsu faster than i thought.

They jumped shoulders to shoulders and stared at me. Then one starts talking :

"You're Sasuke Uchiha, right ? It's a pleasure to meet you, i think you already know our group, Kara ? But don't worry, we're not here for you tonight, actually we are just here for fun."

I stayed silent.

"I see, you're the quiet one, huh ? Fine. Well, if it's like that..." He snap his fingers, and the other one nodded.And then another one arrived...

"Thanks for calling me guys, i am surprised you're letting me doing this."

"I-i Know this voice !"

"No worries, it would be a shame if you're not the one to kill your own master, then gotta go, Bye Uchiha !" said the fastest one grinning, and then he disappears with his teammate, letting me, and Boruto...

"I swear, those guys don't know how to deal with you, it is annoying..." He starts.

"Boruto..." I started sternly.  " Why are you doing all of this ? You already know, that for them you're just a tool, right ?"

"Oh come on, don't try to use your "Talk no jutsu " on me, remember that's my father's favorite..." he responded with a smirk.

*** End Of Flashback ***

"What happened next ?" said Sarada.

"We fought. He disappears, not able to defeat me." Sasuke responded.

"I understand now, you could've said that before, Teme ..." continued Naruto. " So, now we understand the situation, Sasuke, i want you to go travel, but before that, please reports all the informations you have, and take 2 days to see Sakura, and have some times with Sarada."

"Hn." He responded.

"You both," Naruto pointed at Sarada and Mitsuki, " for now, you are dismissed."

"But we can do somethi-" started Sarada but was cut off by Sasuke. "Do what Lord Seventh said..."

They nodded and leaved the room, letting Sasuke, Konohamaru and Naruto.

Sarada and Mitsuki didn't speak during their walk, they stayed silent. After all, one just lose his sun, without even noticing that his lights were gone, and the other lose her childhood friend, and maybe more.

"Bye." they said to each other, in a sad tone, when they split apart. 

Sarada entered her house, and was greeted by her mother, Sakura by just an eye contact sense the sadness of her daughter and told her to go rest in her room. She did. But she couldn't sleep, how could she ? it was to important, he was too important, she knew that if she try to go to his rescue her father will stops her before she even puts a arm outside her window.

So she only thought about her and Boruto, what was in her mind with that question ?

"Are we more than just friends ? Why do i feel like i lost a part of me ? Please Boruto... Don't leave me..." She didn't cry, too much pride for that, but if it wasn't for that, all night wouldn't have been enough to let out all she have on her heart at this moment.

She was an Uchiha, and was determined to find the truth and force him to explain himself. After all that's what True Friends do, right ?

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