Chapter 4 : Each other

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He was her light, and she was his. In their lives, they use each other to find they own nindo.

They were best friends, even though, it started a little difficult.

They were always arguing over little things, it started as kids, like fighting for a toy, or just to be in their mom's arms. They were always competing, for which one of them will be the first to achieve something. After all they were their father's kid, and they inherited their stubbornness.

Their moms were always giggling when they saw the two of them arguing/playing/ or just trying to communicate with one other, they were always saying "They're meant to be together !".

When they grew up, they split apart, maybe hating each other. But arriving in the academy, they were really, progressively, becoming friends like when they were little. After that they were forced to team up, as Team 7, with Mitsuki obviously. To their displeasure, Mitsuki was their shipper, oh boi, does he loves bringing the BoruSara subject on the table. Anyway, after that, they were more close than they could be, with some arguing of course, but still, he made a promise, to never give up on her dream so that his could be realized too.

But promises are easy to break right ? They are just a bunch of words, that are just giving hope to someone. 

How could she put so much hopes in those words ? She thought it was real, that he would follow his words like he always did, but he didn't...

After 1 year of the famous Team 7, he arrived in front of his teammates, and split it out, "I'm going on a training session, for about, 3 years or so, with Sasuke-sensei, for becoming your right-hand man !" looking at Sarada, with bright eyes, she just gaze at him, like he was crazy, but she was blinded by his smile, for some reasons, she knew it was from now on, that she should appreciate every single moment with him, like she always did, but more.

There she was, standing on the nanadaime's head, thinking about everything that he and she had travelled together. Inside she knew she would see him again, but in which circumstances, and she was afraid to discovers them, but what can she do ? She was a kunoichi, she don't turns her back against missions, and of course she will bring her friend back ! She was determined to do it ! 

She absolutely wanted to see his smile again. To see his light on her path again. She needed it, she wanted him to fulfill his promise, but mostly she wanted to see him when she'll become the second kunoichi becoming Hokage, the hachidaime ? or maybe the kyudaime ?

Well, she was ready for what was going to happened in the future, and she wasn't turning her back on it, how could she, after all she was an uchiha, right ?

She jumped from the nanadaime's head, and started jumping from rooftop to rooftop, going to Mitsuki's appartement.

Arriving to her destination, she knocked on the door, which opened immediately.

"H-hi Mitsuki, i was wondering if you would like to train with me ? or just do a patrol around the village, ya know doing stuffs... ? " she started, a bit surprised by his entrance.

"why not..." he said, nodding.  And just before Mitsuki step outside Mikazuki point his nose behind him, saying "hello !" to Sarada, and she responded by caressing him.

Mitsuki closed his door behind him, and they start walking in the village.

"So what do you want to do first ? Training ? Patrolling ? or something else ?" she said while looking at him.

"What about just talking ? About him, i know it affects you, maybe way more than for me... He was my sun after all, but what is he for you ?" he responded.

"H-huh ? Mitsuki ! I-i, What are you asking me !" She said, blushing hard.

"Come on, you can tell me, i won't say anything, to anyone..." 

"As if, if i should tell anything to someone, that someone should be Chocho, but nevermind, his just a friend, or maybe my best friend, yeah more like it..." she blushed again, less than before but still.

"I knew it, Sarada you're still finding it out while it's obvious ? I swear you two are really dense..." thought Mitsuki.

Meanwhile, Sarada was confused, her mind have been going for days on that question, " Why does he meant to me ? Is he more than just a 'best friend' ? They're just no way... right ?"

She couldn't find the answer, maybe she just needed some help, but with who ? Her mother will be more excited than her, but she was reliable, but if she tells her dad, he would go crazy, not because Sarada would tells it is Boruto, but she's going to tell her mother that she don't know how she feels about a boy. And that is why Sasuke will go berserk.

Now she was sure, she was going to ask her mom, she was the most kind, reliable person she knew, and she trusted her.

"Time to find out Sarada ! Is he more than just your friend ?" Sarada thought during her walk with Mitsuki, while they were talking.

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