Chapter 5 : The true meaning of Love

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Sarada was still in her thought, Mitsuki who was walking besides her decide to not interfere with her thoughts, he knew well, that if Sarada wasn't full aware of what they were talking, then she was thinking about something serious. But still, Mitsuki wondered what she was thinking about, but it didn't take long to figure it out, after all that was obvious for him, Him and Her made the perfect couple for him and for a lot of people too, but he was wondering if she was questioning her feelings towards him, little did he know,  is that she was just thinking about how to not give a hint to her mom about her possible crush.

"What if she figure it out ? And what if she tells dad, he would surely find him, and burn him alive, well if he's lucky..." She thoughts of a lot of questions.

"What if  mom don't know how to answer me and just keep asking me "Who is he/she ?"  Needless to saw, her mother was open-minded.

After some times, she put aside all of her questions, and goes back to where she was, next to Mitsuki, walking, and talking...

"Oh, huh, i was in my thoughts, sorry if i didn't answer your questions, what was it ?" She started apologizing.

"Nothing, don't worry about it, you, in some ways, had already answered me..." He said calmly.

"O-ok..." She stayed silent. They kept walking for what's seemed like an eternity for Sarada, she wanted so badly to find out, and questions her mother, but she was also scared of her reaction. And of course, no need to think about her father's reaction.

After a while, Mitsuki stopped, and looked at Sarada. She stopped too, and turns to him. 

"What's wrong ?" she started. "Spit it out already, you're thinking about him..." She blushed to his comment. "No, what would you think that ?" "Come on Sarada, i'm not stupid..." He gazed at her with his golden eyes.

She turns around, and said "Hmpf, what if ? Ok. I was just thinking about what plans could've work on him, i mean the next time we see him..."

"Sure~~" Mitsuki said. "Whatever, see you next time, Captain Sarada~" A smirked placed on his lips, he waved her good bye and disappear.

 "H-huh ?" She stayed there, alone, not understanding anything. "O-ok, at least now i can return home."

So she walked, or more like ran, towards her house. She needed her answer !

When she arrived at her house, she opened the door, only to find a lot, and a lot of decoration.

"Huh ? W-what happened here ?" she asked out loud.

"Oh ! Sarada, that's perfect that you're here, can you help me with all the decoration ?" Sakura said, approaching Sarada, and giving her a box of decoration.

"Yeah, sure~ But what are they for ?" Sarada was confused, why would her mother do all of this, she thought a minute and...

"Honey, it's Christmas remember ?" Her mother asked. "You okay ?" she then add.

"How could i forget that ! Christmas arrived this fast, really ? That's maybe because of all of those events... Anyway, i'm just gonna ask her now..." Sarada thought.

"Yeah, i'm fine, you know with all those events recently i've lost track of time, anyway i have a question for you." Sarada asked. Her heart was racing the marathon of its life.

"I see... and what is your question ?" 

"How can you know when you're in love with someone ?" Sarada said, nervous as hell, or even worse. She was red, like the outfit of Santa, or maybe redder.

"Ah ! Well it seems like you like someone in this way, just your face is telling it, hehe. No seriously, calmed down Sarada, no need to be that nervous, i'm not going to ask you who he/she is, but you can tell me if you want to, of course. So, how can you find it out by yourself ? Interesting question actually, that's something that only your heart can tell you, and i want to try something out okay ?" Sakura answered.

"H-huh ? What kind of thing do you want to try ?" Sarada asked

"Wait here, or just starts decorating, i'm going to take something from upstairs." Sakura said, walking upstairs.

"O-ok ?" Sarada, decided to decorate the saloon, while waiting.

"Find it ! Come here please Sarada." Sakura demanded.

Sarada placed herself in front of Sakura, and look at her, she was with a stethoscope. "What are you going to do with this ?" she pointed toward the stethoscope.

Sakura placed it on Sarada's chest, where her heart is. "Okay, i'm gonna ask you 3 questions, and you're going to answer me, if you want to, but just think of this person, and i will tell you if you have a crush on that someone !" She winked.

"O-ok..." Sarada prepared herself mentally. "There's no way i like him that way..."

"I don't even asked one question that your heart is already beating fast" Sakura laughed. " So, first question, what adjectives would describe that someone perfectly ?"

Sarada searched for a moment and said "Kind...".

Her mother nodded, and continued, "Second question, when you think of that someone, what comes in your mind first ?"

A smirk across her face she answered, " His smile." 

"Ohh~ Now i know it's a boy, then.." Sakura teased. "MOM !" Sarada said blushing hard.

"Sorry, Sorry ... So third, and last question, do you feel like, he is a part of you in someway ?"

Sarada looked right in her mother's eyes, and said " I am not going to answer this one.."

"Okay, your choice, well, my test is working, and i've got my result.." Sakura said, going back upstairs.

"What does that mean ? Shouldn't you be answering me !?" Sarada said, following her.

"At the first place that's what i wanted to do, but now, i think it would be better if you find that out by yourself... Come on we have some decoration to finish !"

"Mom ! Answer me ! Please !" Sarada heard her mother laughing, and was really embarrassed, but what could she do, her mother was like that, and she would never give her the answer, until she, herself,find it out... 

Thanks y'all for reading ! I was really struggling when writing this, because i couldn't decide with my ideas, and sometimes, i just hadn't any ideas. So yeah, thanks you for waiting for this chapter, i hope you enjoyed it ! And of course, i hope you are enjoying Christmas with your family, and well of course, Merry Christmas !

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