Chapter 4: Berry Trouble

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After yet another incident with Fake Crash, our heros went right with there mission. But this time, N. Brio was on this one.

N. Brio: Yes, im a G-g-genius!

If your wondering what he has done, he has tampered a nearby tree of wumpa fruits with a very wierd chemical, that messed up the fruits hanging on to it, which seemed random, but was actually going to work. Once he was done, he heard foot steps coming this way, and quickly hid in a bush. But not before he quickly put a sign next to the tree. Mario and Meggy noticed what the sign said:

"The best tasting wumpa fruits on Wumpa Island".

Mario: Oooh, they look tasty! But im not a hungry.

Meggy: I can go for a snack at this time. I'll give it a try.

N. Brio: *in the bushes* j-j-just one? Oh well. At least it w-w-worked.

Meggy grabbed the nearest one she could reach, shined it off, and took her first bite. It looked like a mango, but tasted kinda like an apple, but sweeter, and juicier.

Meggy: This... is... the tastiest fruit i've tasted!

Mario: Im glad you enjoy it! Now lets keep going, shall we?

Mario and Meggy both went on their way, leaving the hiding scientist laughing victoriously.

N. Brio: That S-s-squid head wont be able to finish the mission now, not when shes a fat Bluberry *Evil laughter*.

*15 minutes later*

The couple were about 85% done with the first island, but as they walked, Meggy started to feel queezy.

Mario: Are you ok? You look sick.

Meggy: Im *burp* fine. I think I ate the wumpa fruit too fast. But I do feel pretty bloated for some reason.

She looked down to see a little lump form out of nowhere.

Mario: AH, I just noticed something! Your nose is blue!!

Meggy: WAIT WHAT?!?!

Meggy took out her squid phone, to see what was wrong. But not only was her nose blue, her tentecles where too, then to her face. She started to freak out as Mario looked confused.

Mario: You stay here, Im a gonna see What was in that Thing?

Mario ran back to the same tree from before, but nothing was unusual about it.

Mario: They all look the same. What gives?

Mario looked around, but nothing was found. But eventually, he found an empty beaker, with little droplets of blueish-purple liquid in it. He picked it up, and read the lable.

"Blueberry juice: if found, please return to Dr. N Brio".


But luckly, there was more info on the back.

"To undo the effects, place the person in a thing of hot water, dish soup, and wumpa fruit juice".

Mario: Great, I need all this stuff. Wait, thats right, the bookbag!

Mario reached into the bookbag, and pulled out a bottle of dish soup, and a inflatable pool. All he neaded was Non tamperd wumpa fruits and some water, but there were more back where they were at.

Mario: Im a coming Meggy!

Mario ran as fast as he could to stop the effects of the potion.

*Back with Meggy*

Meggy was still freaking out over the fact that she was turning blue. But then she felt her stomach start to rumble from moving to much, and it was just doing that for the entire time.

Meggy: *holding her swollen stomach* Why am I getting so heavy?!

She then felt the juices start swelling up inside of her, making her look like she was 8 months pregnant. She kept getting bigger and bigger until she was the size of a small elephent.

Mario came back, only to see Meggy Swollen to the brim with tainted wumpa juice.

Mario: HOLY SHIT!!!

Meggy: Help me, I cant move.

Mario: No worrys, look at this.

He shoud her the beaker, and started to do what the instructions. He filled the pool with water that he heated up with a heater, and added the soup.

Mario: Ok, let me help you up.

He slowly lifted her up onto her feet, which was easier said then done, as her stomach was do swollen, they both had to lift it up. But they managed to get her into the pool.

Meggy: This feels SOOO much better now. *starts rubbing her stomach to try to calm it down*.

Mario: Ok, bite this, it will cure the effects.

Mario fed her the wumpa fruit. Within 5 minutes, Meggy then felt that she was going to explode.

Meggy: *stomach growls loud as hell* Im gonna puke!!

Mario: Aaah! Take cover!!

Mario hid under a rock, while Meggy was about to release everything out of her system. But as she felt was gonna puke, she only let out a small burp that startled a few birds. But when she looked at herself, she was compleatly back to normal.

Meggy: Yes! It worked, im back to my old self again!!

Mario: Yeah we did it, we did it, we did it, YEAH!!

Meggy then pulled mario in for a quick kiss.

Meggy: Thank you for the treatment Red.

Mario: No nead to thank me darling. Alrighty, lets move on to the next island.

Meggy looked down st herself to see if there was any left that didnt change. But once she looked at her bottem, she blushed like crazy.

Meggy: *in her head* HOLY SHIT! MY BUTT GOT BIGGER! WHAT WILL THE OTHERS SAY WHEN THEY SEE ME LIKE THIS?!?! *smirks* But what will Mario think?!

Meggy: Hey Mario, look.

Mario: Whats wrong?

She blushed again to show him her new looking bottem.

Mario: WHHAAAT?!?! ITS SO THICK!! NO WAIT, THATS NOT THICK, THATS DUMMY THICK!!!!! *slaps it like B.O.B would*.

Meggy: *blushes even harder* Im glad you enjoy it, cause after we save Crash and Coco, it will be all yours.

Mario: Im a so lucky to have you as my wife! I love you so much!

Meggy: I love you too!

Now that this was takem care of, they were ready to head on to there next boss fight and head on over to the next island.

Man, this was a fun chapter to write. I DO NOT REAGRET THIS AT ALL!!!!!

Another boss fight coming, you want a clue? Here you go:

What do you get, when you mix Blues Clues, and Scooby Doo together?

Find out next.

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