Chapter 12, Boss fight 6: Dr. Neo Cortex

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After a scary fight with N. Brio, Meggy reuniting with Mario, and Crash and Coco coming back from there slumber, the final battle was about to began. To make sure that there wasnt any harmful potions anywhere, they set the lab on fire, which started a blaze, then set the entire tower on fire. Luckly, there was a blimp was right outside of the window, and they all landed on it safely.

Meggy: *staring at the burning tower, while thinking to herself* Its almost over, I just know it.

Mario: Meggy, are you ok? You zoned out.

Meggy snapped back into reality. She looked at Mario, Crash, and Coco all sitting next to each other.

Meggy: Yeah im ok. Its just that im still a little scared... I dont want to lose you again Red.

She shedded a tear from the though. But she felt Mario hug her for comfert.

Mario: Its going to be ok Meggy. Like I said, imma not going anywhere.

Coco: Yeah! Were going to take Cortex down once and for all! And we'll be there to help.

Crash: *gives a thumbs up*.

Meggy: *whips away tears* Thank you all-

But before she finished, a laser shot came there way, but they Dodged it quickly. They got in there battle stances, getting ready for what comes next. Another laser shot came, but Crash reflected it with his spin, sending it back.

Everyone: Nice shot Crash!

Crash: *chearful noises*.

Meggy: Buy who shot that?!

????: I did!

The mysterious voice came out of nowhere, but he soon revealed himself on a hoverbored, as the one , and only... Dr. Neo Cortex.

Cortex: Well, well, well... if it isnt Mario, and Meggy, from the "Kingdom of mushrooms".

Meggy: Thats right. The upcoming star!

Mario: Yup. Its a me BIATCH!

Cortex: *rolls his eyes* Right. And I see you saved these dreaded Bandicoots.

Coco: *sticks her tongue out*

Crash: *also sticks his tongue out*

Cortex: Rrrrrrrrgh! You attack my henchmen... you set my tower on fire... WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!

Meggy: Your henchmen damnear killed my husband! Your servent turned me into a blueberry! You took Crash and Coco hostage! Your gonna regret becoming the person you are once were done with you!!

Mario: Yeah! Marios gonna kill some bitches!

Crash and Coco: *hold hands* Time to go down Cortex!


The final battle has started. Cortex started firing multiple laser beams at once. Some were purple, some were green. Along that, little green grimlin creatures started to attack the blimp. Meggy and Mario started to get rid of the creatures, as Crash and Coco watched out for any incoming laser beams, and only reflected the green ones, which were only way to reach him.

Cortex: This one better not fail.

Cortex took out a controller and pressed a butten that activated a bigger laser from his hoverboard. It started charging, then fired a bunch of plasma balls.

Mario: Ohhhhhh, Pretty!


Too late. Mario touched it, and immediately turned into a pile of dust.

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