Chapter 13: Back to normal

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*2 to last part*

Dr. Neo Cortex was defeated. Mario and Meggys mission to save the bandicoots was completed. The gang were walking down to the beach when a bright light came out of nowhere, and Aku-Aku showed up.

Aku-Aku: Crash, Coco! Im so glad you to are ok.

Coco: You had nothing to worry about, we were perfectly fine.

Crash: Yeah!

Aku-Aku: Good. Mario and Meggy, im eternally greatful for your help. If it wasnt for you two, Wumpa Island wouldnt have made it to see another day. But im also sorry for putting you two in serious danger. If there is anything I could do to repay you, I'll gladly do it.

Meggy: No need to. This was just somthing that need to be done.

Mario: Yeah, that was a lots of fun!

Aku-Aku: Alright, lets send you guys home.

Aku-Aku opened a portal to the Mushroom kingdom, then to Marios house. But before the couple left, they said there goodbyes to the bandicoots.

Coco: Guys, thank you for saving me and my big brother. I really mean it.

Crash: Yeah, thanks a lot!

Meggy: No problem guys. Im glad we did!

Mario: It was fun while it lasted. Im gonna miss you guys.

The couple were gonna jump in, untill   The bandicoots stopped them.

Both: Guys, wait!

Meggy: Oh, whats wrong?

Coco: Heres a present from me Meggy. I hope you like it.

Coco reached into her back pokcet, and pulled out a little present for her.

Coco reached into her back pokcet, and pulled out a little present for her

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Meggy took the hair clip, and put in on where it cant fall off.

Meggy: Aw, thank you Coco, your so sweet. *hugs her*

Coco: Anything for an up-comming star!

Crash then went over to Mario, and handed somthing for him too.

Crash then went over to Mario, and handed somthing for him too

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Mario: WOAH!! THATS A BIG ASS MEATBALL!! Thank you buddy.

Crash: Your Welcome!

Meggy: Anyway, we should head back home. It was a blast hanging with you guys.

Aku-Aku: You two are also welcome to visit any time you want.

Mario: We will!

The couple: Goodbye everyone!

The bandicoot: Bye!

The gang waved goodbye to each other. Soon after the couple jumped through the portal, and made it home saftly.

*in there house*
Once inside the house, the couple both fell on the couch.

Meggy: Well that was an exciting adventure.

Mario: Yeah, it was... well, the movie paused. Do you want to keep watching it, or do you want to do something else.

Meggy thought for a minute about what to do, but then an idea poped in her head. She then looked at him with a sadistic look.

Meggy: I got an idea.

Mario: Ooooooh. What is it?

Meggy: Well... meet me in the bed room, and find out for your self~.

Meggy walked towards there room, while swaying her hips side-to-side. Once she closed her door, she immediately stripped herself naked.
Mario on the other hand, was quite confused, but eventually found out what she ment.

Mario: Oh I get it... I got a boner!

Mario ran towards the room, opened the door, only to see Meggy completely naked.

Mario: WOAH!!!!!!

Meggy: *giggles* Do you like what you see~?


Meggy: Well... Come here then~


*to be continued*

And we're gonna stop here. Yup, we're having a smut chapter as our final chapter, rather you like it or not. So prepear yourself.

See you leter

MXM Quest: Save Coco BandicootWhere stories live. Discover now