Chapter 7, Boss fight #2: The Komodo Bros

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After the intense fight with Ripper Roo, and Facing very challenging levels, they were about 50% done with this island. But as night time came, the two grew tired of walking, but luckly stumbled apon a tent like dome.

Meggy: This looks like a good place to stay the night.

Mario: OOOOoooo! A tent house. Lets go inside!

The two went inside to check it out. The entrence was a long rob that led to a room with pillows, blankets, and treasure all over the place.


Meggy: *giggles* Okay, lets stay here for the night.

The two started to relax on the giant pillows that were all along the walls. They slowly started to drift into sleep, and eventually were out cold.

*30 minutes later*

The two were still dreaming sweet dreams about each other, until a loud swoosh came out off nowhere and startled Meggy awake.

Meggy: *frightend* WHAT WAS THAT?!?! *shakes Marios Shoulder* MARIO, WAKE UP!!

Mario: *rubs his eyes* Hmm? Whats wrong?

Meggy: I just heared something go swoosh. Like a swords getting chucked in the air.



Mario: Yeah... Its right through my pingus.

Mario pointed down at his pingus to see a sword stabbing him.


Meggy grabbed Her stuff, and they both bolted for the exit, but only to be stoped by two large reptilian like beings in front of them. They both had purple robes on, and wore helmets with a spike on top. But one was taller and skinnier and the other was shorter and fatter.

????: Who do you think you are for tresssssssspassssssing in our tent?

Meggy: W-we didnt m-mean to trespass, w-we just needed a place to s-sleep for the night.

????: Well, after we're done with you, you'll be ssssssleeping with the fishhhhhhessssss!

The taller one threw a sword at them, and the shorter one caught it. They got on a small stump in the middle of the room, and began throwing a storm of swords at the couple.

The Komodo Bros: Ssssssurender to the Komodo Brotherssssss!!!!

The tallest one, Komodo Joe, was then spun by his older Brother, Komodo Moe, and Joe spun around the arena, while the couple kept running from the curling swords.

Mario: *gets a swords lunged in his shoulder* Oof! I got a stabbed!

Meggy noticed Mario in need of help, but soon also got one lunged in her shoulder.

Meggy: OOW!! *pulles the sword out* THATS IT-

Meggy was then toppled by A spinning Joe, who was spun dizzy.

Moe: Oh no!! Joe, get up!!

Meggy, who was pissed off, kicked Joe away from her, causeing the two komodos to collide into each other with a bowling ball sound. While the two were stunned, Megg ran over to Mario, who was doing just fine now that the sword was out of his shoulder.

Meggy: Mario, are you okay?!

Mario: Im a just fine! Now you sit here and heal your wounds. I'll finish this fight!

Mario ran over to the Bros, who were back on there feet, and ready for round 2. Moe began thowing more swords, but Mario kept dodging them, and some times even caught them. Joe started spinning again, but even faster and faster. Mario ran up to Moe, with a sword behind his back.

Mario: Hey stinky?

Moe: NANI?!

Mario then took the sword and rammed it up Moes #$%&!

Moe: RRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! My #$%&S ON FIRE!!!!

Meggy was laughing up a storm watching Moe run around the room like a monkey.

Meggy: Thats what you get, lizard breath!

After spinning, Joe was dizzy once again. But once he regained  consciousness, he felt his tail being grabbed.

Joe: Who got my tail?!

Joe turned around to see Mario with a smug look on face.

Mario: Are you ready to fly?

Joe: Huh?!

Mario then started to swing joe around like a washed up toy.

Joe: AAAAAAAAhhhhhh!!!

Mario: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! This is fun!

Joe: Put me down you sssssscumbag!!

Mario: Okie dokie!

Mario then threw Joe right into Moe, who was still running like a little girl. Both colided into each other once again. Both looked at each other in terror as the plumber walked up to them slowly.

Joe: Ok, ok! Keep the place, jusssssst, leave usssssss alone.

Moe: Yeah! Let usssssss live!

Mario: Hmmmmmm. Okie dokie!

Both of the them quickly gathered all there swords, and ran away crying like a bunch of sissies.

Mario: ....... I did it! I did it, I didi it!!

Meggy: Nice job Red, you really showed them!

Mario: Now, lets go back to bed. Im a tired.

Meggy: *yawn* Me too. Goodnight Red.

Mario: Good night Meggy.

The too soon drifted right back to sleep after a unexpected fight with The Komodo Bros. Dreaming sweet dreams without any swords near by.

Im so sorry for the late update, I was too focused on the other story. But I didnt froget. Btw, im holding a Q/A book, so you can ask anything you want, and I'll answer them.

Next Chapter is another boss, and heres your hint:

Any day, is a good day, to skip leg day!

See you until then.

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