Chapter 6: More evil plans

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*quick note: Im not in the mood for long chapters today, after what Smesh123 said.... about killing himself, so please try to help make him feel better, please*.

*In Cortexes layar*
Dr. Neo Cortex has been testing new was to stop Mario and Meggy from ruining his master plans. But none prevailed.

Cortex: Ughh, what will it take for those blasted servents to take out those two?

Coco: You planes never work anyway, so you might as well just quit.

Cortex: Oh will you ever be quiet? This is my most evil plan I have, and your just babbling on and on!

Coco: Said the one that never has good ideas.

Cortex was about to lose his marbles, until he got a call from N Brio.

Cortex: What is it?

N. Brio: D-D-D. Cortex, I have some good n-n-news, and some bad news.

Cortex: Whats the bad news?

N. Brio: That Red p-p-plumber and that inkl-l-ling are already on the second island.


N. Brio: B-b-but the good news, is that we have the other com-m-mandoes on the j-j-job, so we still have time to finish the plan *sketchy laugh*.

Cortex: Ooh, more minions, means more distractions for those meddling fools. This is good news!

Coco: Boooo, there going to lose anyway, so whats the point, big head?


Cortex went towards her, and gasesd her with same stuff that put Crash to sleep. In 1 minute flat, she was knocked out cold.

Cortex: Finally, no more talking. So, as I was saying, Yes, this is good news. Good job, you might be better then N. Gin if you keep this up.

N. Brio: Th-th-thank you, I wont l-l-let you down.

Cortex: I know you wont *evil laughter*

N. Brio: *evil laughter too*.

Now that theres more enemies on island 2, lets expect more trouble for the couple. Boss fight next, heres a clue:

"Two heads is better then one"

See you until it happens.

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