Chapter 5, Boss fight #1: Ripper Roo

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The couple had made it to the pathetic fight that was Papu Papu. So now, it was on to the second Island, when they crossed a giant water fall.

Mario: Mama Mia, this place looks familier.

Meggy: When did you cross you cross it?

Mario: When we went to save you- HOLY SHIT I REMEMBER! RIPPER ROO IS NEXT!!!!

Meggy: Whos next?!

Mario: His a Blue Kangaroo that wears a stray jacket, and hes always laughing like his insane person, and likes to blow up stuff! He's going to come any minute now.

They waited for 2 minutes, until they heard the sounds of jumps and hyper giggles.

Meggy: Mario... is that *gulp* him?

Mario: Yeah, thats him all right.

Out of nowhere, the crazy kangaroo came down and jumped on Mario, and on top of a TNT crate.

Ripper Roo: *Insane laughter* TRANSLATION: Well well well. Fat plumber guy, we meet. And I see you brought a friend for me to blow to smithereens too?

Meggy: You will not hurt my husband, you Blue Clues want-a-be!

Mario: Thats right, so go away, you bid a monkey!

The Battle had started. Ripper Roo let down a load of TNT crates in the little river banks. Mario told Meggy how to beat him. So it was still a challenge, but they could still do it.

Meggy: Geez, this guy never stops moving. This is too much.

But when she wasnt looking, Roo kicked her in the face, giving her a nose bleed.

Meggy: Ow!! Thats it!

Meggy Grabbed him by the neck, and held him over the falls.

Ripper Roo: *Scared laughter* Hey, your cheating, this dosent count!

Meggy: I couldnt care le-

Before she could finish, Roo bit her on her neck, causing her to let go of him, and then have her fall half way off the fall. She tryed to get back up, but Roo stepped both of her hands.


Ripper Roo: *evil laughter* How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? Huh Squid breath!!

Mario: Hey Blues clue-

Roo jumped off of Meggy, snd pounced on Mario:

Roo: *yelling gibbrish* STOP CALLING ME BLUES CLUES, FAT ASS!!!

Mario: HAH, you triggerd my trap card!!

Before Roo looked behind him, Meggy threw him on to a TNT crate, exploded on contact.

Ripper Roo: OUCH *psychotic laughter*.

Meggy: Mario, come on, I got an idea!

They quickly descused her plan. They set up 3 rows of TNT in the little river banks. One by one, the ciuple somehow made a chain reaction, and Roo landed on everyone. After that, he was extremly dizziy.

Mario: His stunned! How about one more K.O. punch should do it! Count on three.

Meggy: You got it red!

They aimed for his head, both looking at each other as they took the shot.


*BAAM, K.O.!!!!!*

Ripper Roo was punched so hard, you could see TNT crates over his head. Before falling, he said one more thing.

Ripper Roo: *small chuckles*................ You knocked my block off...... Losers.

He took his final bow, then fell of the waterfall, and a loud thud was heard afterwards.

Meggy: YES!! My first boss defeated! Papu Papu dosent count.

Mario: Imma so proud if you my love!

They both kissed each other in victory. The two started set off deeper into the island, hopeing to save them sooner then later.

This was a hassel, sooo many spelling errers. But here it is.
Next chapter will be about Cortex coming up with new bad plans.

See you then.

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