32. The STD Trace

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Hey ! XD Five chapters left. This is CRAZY. This one is kind of short :D Stay STD free and PLEASE PLEASE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!! <3

I could hear the horrendous sounds of people groaning in the nursing office. The smell of anesthetics and a form of cough syrup filled the air. The chilliness in the air made me clench my hands on my arms. Hands were covering very specific spots on each highschool patient’s body. Yes, I’m talking about specific private parts. That’s because every student in the nurses’ office was infected with an STD. A particular STD, Chlamydia.

Juan Seguin Highschool broke out with a nasty case of Chlamydia this year. It’s the most common curable disease for nurses passed around antibiotics and students were good to go only to face the wrath of their parents.

Upon my discovery of this issue, I automatically jumped at the chance to go on an STD Trace, to figure out who started it, who was the initial culprit. I went undercover, pretended to be people’s dates, disguised myself as a guy, became a spy, was a rock star, and even tried out for the cheerleading squad to retain the information.

With each person I encountered, there was a new way to get the secret out of them. Some required doing personal tasks, or just merely asking.

Overtime, I got closer and closer until finally finding the culprit. Yet, after all of that work I went through, it wasn’t about who started it anymore. My STD tracing led me to discover more than just a guilty person, but it helped me discover so much more about life.

I’ve gone to more parties, met more people, and had so many good times that I can’t even count on two hands alone. I’ve discovered myself through this journey, and I learned a ton about the students of my school.

The popular students of my school have hidden talents such as painting and protesting for their rights. The outcasts are smart and the coolest people to talk to. I broke social barriers along my journey—I made friends, and for once, stepped outside of my own comfort zone.

I now know what it feels like to be a part of my school. I’m no longer an outside party member—I’m not inside the lines along with everyone else. With each person I met along the way, finding out who they spent their time with was just as intriguing as anything else.

Of course I hope my school never encounters an issue like this again, but I’m glad it happened. It was a wakeup call for everyone to be careful, to be more mature about the decisions they make. And it helped me see the world in an entire new way and experience what it really means to be in highschool.

Juan Seguin Highschool’s students are all cured of Chlamydia and many are forever changed. My STD trace is now marked with a beautiful: Case Closed.

I smiled, slipped my article into the envelope along with my transcript and sealed it. This holds my future—this holds the rest of my life. I handed it over to Bruter so he could mail it.

“Is this final this time? Do we have to waste seven more envelopes for you to make more changes on it?” Bruter snorted.

“No, I think it’s perfect.” I nodded my head.

My first drafts consisted of me talking about my journey tracing the STD’s but with this new draft, I am satisfied because my tracing was more than just finding a culprit, I learned so much more. I hope all goes well, nothing I can do now.

“Alright, I’ll see you all later.” He planted a kiss on my mother’s cheek and walked out of the front door. I shook my head and ran upstairs to get dressed.

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