🕊️White Dove Barton🕊️

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OC Name Pronunciation, Meaning and Origin


pronounced: Sh en o ah

meaning: white dove

origin: Native American

Chenoa Barton the daughter of Edith and Harold Barton, sister of Charles Bernard "Barney" Barton and twin of Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton.... no, she's not an Avenger though she does have the same skills as her brothers and perhaps a few more.... life wasn't easy for the Barton family Harold Barton was a drunk and abusive father whereas Edith was a timid yet sweet, kind, loving mother as a child Chenoa became "one of the boys" who was always around both brothers.... most of the time.... and because of that they were known as the "Three Musketeers".... she felt the safest with her brothers because they spent their whole lives protecting one another first from their father then from the "evils" that surrounded them as they were placed in many different foster care homes after their parents died when Clint and Chenoa were 10 and Barney was 12.... Clint and Chenoa were born on January 7, 1971 (I'm using Jeremy Renner's actual birthday as Hawkeye's birthday since I couldn't find anything that told me when Hawkeye was born) Barney was born on August 4, 1969.... when the Barton's were placed in foster care they were separated from one another and each time they were separated they ran away and found one another then we're separated again when they were found once more.... that is until they were separated for good.... not much was known about how either Barney, Clint or Chenoa grew up after they were separated for the last time when the boys joined the circus and it was many years after that fatal day that Clint and Chenoa were reunited.... by that time Clint had married Laura and joined S.H.I.E.L.D. .... Chenoa on the other hand would never even set foot in the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division but she did get to know everyone who was important in Clint's life her most memorable meeting was with Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff who thought the worst of her from the moment she set her sights on her "who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here!?!"  Natasha asks Chenoa rudely with a dark and what she hoped to be threateningly scary expression on her face  "not that it's any of your business but I'm his sister.... his TWIN sister!!.... and I'm visiting!"  Chenoa replies as though Natasha's behavior didn't bother her.... which it didn't.... "Auntie Laura Mama Bear's being mean!"  Chenoa teases with a playful tattletale child-like tone as Laura walks into the living room Laura replies with a smile "mama bear!?!"  then she sees Natasha staring at the two of them with a shocked expression on her face "Clint's in the barn working on the tractor"  Laura tells Cheona "what did he do to it now!?!"  Chenoa asks with a playful tone "he drove it!"  Laura replies with a grin making her sister-in-law laugh Chenoa gives Laura a hug then heads out the door to the barn to visit with her brother while Laura.... being the nice sister-in-law that she is.... she distracts Natasha so that the twins who rarely get to see each other got to spend some quality time together.... alone....

How Chenoa met the rest of the Avengers was a little bit different.... it was during the Chitauri Invasion.... "what are you doing here!?!"  Clint asks when he sees his sister run past him to help a innocent civilian get out of harms way Chenoa stops running turns around and replies with a smile "I know I always have impeccable timing when I come to visit don't I!?!"  he chuckles then says "well since you're here mind giving us a hand?!"  she asks "how am I supposed to kick these creatures asses with my good looks and charm!?!"   he replies with a nod "yeah!.... that's exactly it!"  she chuckles "I heard about Phil.... I'm sorry.... he was a good man"  she says softly he smiles a sad smile then tosses one of his spare bows and a quiver of arrows over to her she catches them then kisses his cheek and jogs away he watches her with a smile then goes back to fighting.... "ma'am you should find a safe place too....!"  Chenoa hears a man in a blue suit with a star on his chest and stripes on his stomach say "I'm a Barton no place is safe for us! and never call me ma'am! besides I can take care of myself!"   she replies then shoots an arrow at one of the Chitauri that was rushing up behind him the man turns just in time to see the creature fall with a arrow in his eye and he chuckles "Chenoa"  she says holding her hand out for him to shake "Steve"  he replies shaking her hand "it's nice to meet you Steve but we're not done yet"  she says "no we are not!"  he replies and they fight the creatures that come their way side by side and sometimes back to back until they get separated once more.... being the kind of woman that she was Chenoa did what she could to help get as many people to the safest places possible though she feared that with how closed in New York City is there weren't any true safe places for the civilians but she helped keep them calm and entertained the young ones with magic tricks, juggling and stories while shooting those that tried to come near with the arrows that her brother handed her.... and those she "stole" from the ones that fell along the way.... "hey Big Green mind keeping the rubble to a minimum!?!"  Hulk hears a soft ethereal voice say from below him he looks down and sees a beautiful white haired woman with two different colored eyes looking up at him with a smile as she holds onto a little boy as though she had just protected him from something and he realized that that something was the pieces of the building his fists just crashed into and he grunts "don't worry about it it was just a little dust!.... my brother calls me "little dove" by the way.... we gotta go!.... they set a perimeter along 39th and we're headed that way.... see you around Hulky!"  the woman says she takes the little boys hand and they run away not in fear of him but towards the "safety point" she had mentioned and he smiles then goes back to smashing the Chitauri as he watches her shoot some familiar looking arrows at the creatures that head her way "Barton!?!"  he thinks to himself curiously.... "fancy meeting you here!"  Steve hears a now familiar voice say from behind him a few seconds after he got thrown out of a bank by a bomb he looks over and sees the same white haired woman he fought with before.... after he tried to tell her to get to safety.... "you're not going to try and call me "ma'am" again are you!?!"  she teases he chuckles then replies "no.... I learned my lesson.... sir!"  she chuckles "you staying safe?!"  he asks "I'm more worried about them"  she replies nodding towards scared civilians who were being escorted to safety "don't worry about me I grew up with two brothers I know how to protect myself!.... I've been doing what I can to help the stragglers as I find them"  she tells him he nods with a smile "well see you around Steve"  she says then she jogs off with a wave "yeah.... see ya Barton!"  he replies softly then he hears her chuckle which makes him smile as he goes back to saving New York City and the people within it.... as Tony lay in the middle of the street he sees a lone woman run over to him as a group of Chitauri surround him and fight them off he watches her for a little while in awe then hears Fury's voice speak through the com telling him that a missile was headed towards the city "go!.... I got this!"  he hears the woman say as she fights even though he knew she didn't hear a word Fury just said and the way she spoke reminded him of Clint he shakes his head as though to clear it as he stands up and says "Jarvis put everything we got into the thrusters"  and Jarvis replies "I just did"  Tony then flies away looking down at the woman who may or may not have just saved his life....

 I got this!"  he hears the woman say as she fights even though he knew she didn't hear a word Fury just said and the way she spoke reminded him of Clint he shakes his head as though to clear it as he stands up and says "Jarvis put everything we g...

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Chenoa meets the whole team when they all go for Shawarma "guys this is my sister...."  Clint starts to introduce as he and Chenoa walk in to the Shawarma place where Thor, Captain America, Bruce Banner, Natasha and Tony were already sitting and waiting "Chenoa!"  Steve says with a smile as he stands up in is chair like the gentleman he is "little dove!"  Bruce says copying Steve's motion Clint looks at his sister oddly who smiles and says "I may have met a few during the invasion and I called him "big green"...."  she says under her breath so that only Bruce and Clint hear her "and Hulky!"  then she clears her throat and continues in a normal voice "so why not let him call me what you and Barn always have!?!"  he chuckles and shakes his head then he introduces her to Thor and Tony who both shake her hand in greeting "I thought the way you spoke sounded familiar"  Tony says as he shakes her hand she chuckles then replies "well we are twins so I suppose we get stuck gaining a few similarities"  Tony looks from her to Clint in shock she chuckles then sits in-between Clint and Bruce at the table and six out of the seven of them chat endlessly getting to know one another better "I may not be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. but I do run a few non profit relief bases.... kind of like the Red Cross or something similar if you guys need any assistance cleaning up the rubble.... do you know how many times my organization has been called to clean up his messes!?!.... as well as yours Mr. Stark and Thor and now we'll probably be called in to clean up this group one"  Chenoa says Bruce blushes she chuckles as she places her hand softly on his bicep and he smiles at her "he kinda made it rain dust when I was passing by at one point or another.... good thing boys like getting dirty huh!?!"  she tells her brother who chuckles softly "you were very brave"  Steve says to Cheona who shrugs as she replies while pointing her thumb at her brother "this one would disagree with you Steve"  Steve chuckles and Clint smiles at her "if you ask me you're the brave one!"  she replies then she says to her brother in a low voice  "he called me ma'am!"  Clint chuckles and Steve smiles it was quiet for a little while as the group eats their food in silence both Chenoa and Tony leave a pretty big tip once they all were finished "what!?!.... after all that has happened they could use it and I don't think gods have American money so you can say that at least half of mine came from Thor!"  she tells her brother Thor and Clint laugh "we were lucky that they were even open after....!"  she adds "yeah!"  Clint says softly Thor cups her shoulder in his large manly hand and she smiles at him "it was nice to meet you all but I have some business to take care of"  she says as they all head out of the restaurant then she shakes each of the mens hands and gives her brother a hug then walks over to and climbs onto her Harley and drives off with a wave "I like her!"  Tony says as he stands next to a now smiling Clint then the rest of the group goes their own separate ways themselves

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