So Cold Without You🥶

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Before Chenoa and Vision went for a walk in the woods Nakia had given Chenoa one of her suits of armor to wear just in case she and Vision ever decided to join the fight everyone knew was coming and that was when she saw the stones on Chenoa's back for the first time her eyes widened in surprise but she says nothing for she knew that her new friend would never cause any of her people harm though she did worry about her safety she knew that Vision as well as many others who were now in Wakanda would die before they let her get hurt Vision's non-existent eyebrow rose at the sight of Chenoa in the armor once the two women walked out of the bedroom after she had gotten dressed "always good to be prepared right!?!"  Chenoa teases "indeed!"  Vision replies "you look nice"  he tells her she smiles.... as the Avengers along with Chenoa and the people of Wakanda fight Thanos' minions Vision's mind goes back to a conversation she heard Chenoa have with Bruce "I've learned many things throughout my short insignificant life but the one that sticks with me the most is the one Vision taught me for he's taught me how to love completely without ever knowing how to do it himself!.... we learned together and that is why it means the most to me!"  Chenoa says softly Vision who heard her speaks up and says "your life is not insignificant! NO life is insignificant!!"  she turns to face him and smiles a small somewhat forced smile as he walks over and stands before her she looks at him and he looks at her with a sad softness in his eyes as he whispers with a slightly demanding tone "don't let me catch you speaking like that again!" she nods and he kisses her lips.... he didn't like the fact that she considered herself insignificant to the world but if he could blush he probably would have when he heard her say that her "favorite lesson" was loving him and being loved by him in return.... Vision watches as Chenoa claws the air with her fingers as though she had T'Challa's Black Panther gloves on and was using the claws within them to scratch it he watches with a surprised expression on his face as she lifts her hands and strips of the ground in front of them rise as though she had cut into it like one would when they try to get rid of an old rug she whips her arms and the strips of ground act like ribbons and wrap themselves around the creatures in front of them who had overtaken their friends and she pulls them off them he started to worry when he saw her become tired for he knew she was not used to using her abilities and they both had an inkling that she was never meant to have them to begin with and he worried that they were punishing her for that fact by weakening and quite possibly killing her each time she used them to the extent she was using them now Vision flies over to her wraps his arm around her waist and continues to fly away from the battlefield just as Thor entered it "Vision!! what are you doing!?!"  Chenoa asks with a soft gasp as the air leaves her body because of his unexpected actions and she wraps her arm around his neck knowing full well he wasn't going to set her down until he reached his final destination "getting you to safety!"  he replies "no!.... they need us here!"  she says "no! I.... they need you safe!"  he replies looking down at her "this was my....! if they get hurt because of what I had....!"  she says looking up at him "Thor is there they'll be fine!"  he replies she chuckles then says "you are putting a lot of faith in the poor god!"  he chuckles then gently sets her down once they reach the woods they had once walked through alone "we were safer with the group.... now we're in a place that is too open and will be easily....!"  she says softly she stops when she sees two ugly aliens walk towards them Vision who was looking at her sadly turns to see why she had stopped talking and he started to regret that he had separated her from the others "you.... will.... not.... TOUCH HIM!!!!"  she growls with a dark anger as a large gust of wind starts to form and pushes the two aliens away from them the heavier one goes flying a little further away than the skinny stick looking one who had braced himself by digging his heels into and stabbing the ground with his weapon holding onto it until he felt the wind dissipate the heavier one on the other hand ended up getting punched by Bruce in his Mark XLVIII Armor aka Hulkbuster 2.0 and he goes flying even higher hitting the shield that surrounded Wakanda and getting ripped apart by it till he was nothing but ash "Chenoa that's enough!"  Vison says with a worried tone and the wind dies down Vision turns to face her and cups her chin in his hands as their eyes meet then he feels something ghost through his chest he looks down and sees the blade of a double-sided polearm Glaive the alien's eyes widen in shock for he knew that the wound should have a much bigger affect on the "machine" than it did and he looks past Vision and his eyes lock with the celestial white haired woman with two different colored eyes and he pulls his glaive out of the "machines" stomach then walks around him and coos "I see.... I should kill you then!"  the human stares at him unafraid with a dark hatred for him in her eyes and replies with a dark tone  "go ahead!.... try it! for unlike you I am not afraid of death!"  he smirks at her then hears the machine shout with a worried frightened tone "NO!!"  Vision rushes over to her and pulls her behind him protectively then sees Steve rush over to them and knock the alien down "get out of here!.... BOTH of you!!"  Steve orders looking over at Chenoa and Vision Vision takes Chenoa's hand and starts to walk out of the woods but stops when he feels her stay put and hears her whisper "not this time!"  he looks at her and nods Steve who was fighting the alien who tried to kill Vision turns to see them still standing there and shouts "go!"  Vision replies "she's being stubborn!"  Chenoa looks at him with a almost mocking yet slight playfully raised eyebrow and he smiles as Steve shakes his head while he continues to fight the alien and Vision and Chenoa walk over to Steve and help him fight Chenoa picks up the alien's glaive that had fallen during the fight and hands it to Vision who looks down at it then at her then at the alien and he stabbed the skinny stick in the chest where he's heart would have been if he had one then he raises him into the air then tosses him and the glaive down onto the ground once the weapon and it's master were out of his hands Vision pulls Chenoa to him and hugs her "I thought I told you two to go"  Steve says softly as he watches them "we don't trade lives Captain"  Vision replies Chenoa looks at him and smiles he looks at her and kisses her lips with a smile of his own gracing his handsome features "why did you leave to begin with!?!"  Steve asks "Vision thought I'd be safer away from the fight and got proven wrong once again!"  Chenoa replies Steve chuckles softly then laughs when he hears Vision say "when have I ever been proven wrong!?!"  Vision pauses then says "....other than now!"  Chenoa chuckles making him smile....

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