Under Pressure

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"You're lucky you know?!"  Bruce says to Chenoa a few minutes later as he walks over to her and sits by her side while she watches the sunrise "Vision isn't Wanda he doesn't get jealous besides he knows how close we are, that I consider you family and it isn't like I kissed you! not to mention we all can see how you and Natasha feel about one another.... strange isn't it?!.... how fast it grows when you think you never truly had one.... I mean I've always had Clint but the rest....!"  she replies he blushes and laughs when she mentions kissing him then says with a soft sigh in his voice "yeah!"  she tells him "oh and when we get to Wakanda.... don't bow!.... T'Challa isn't one for bowing.... or hugs!.... as far as I know.... maybe a Vulcan salute.... on the other hand maybe not!"  he laughs then replies "thanks for the warning"  she smiles then looks over his shoulder and see Vision walk over to them "ready to go?!"  Vision asks Bruce turns to face him and blushes nervously Chenoa smiles at him then stands up and the three of them walk over to the Quinjet Vision takes her hand in his lifts it up to his lips and kisses the back of it.... "I learned something when I copied your Mind Stone"  Vision hears Chenoa say in his heart when their eyes meet as they sit side by side in the Quinjet "what have you learned!?!"  he asks with a curious tone "that I have the capability to make them useless.... drain them of their sustenance and destroy them"  she replies his eyes widen in surprise as she continues "I don't know if I was meant to have them or this "ability" but I do!.... I've been able to "break the rules" for years why not....?!"  he says "no!"  she replies "it won't hurt me and I am not about to lose you!.... you never promised but I....!"  she stops when she feels his hand slide up her cheek and his gaze deepens as though he had kissed her "if he hurts you....!"  she says softly he nods knowing that she would do as she claims she can do if his life is put in danger then his lips truly do meet hers.... Chenoa turns to Bruce and says "Bruce.... tell me about him"  Vision looks at her oddly but Bruce understood and he goes into a full blown dialogue of everything he knows about Vision starting with his creation she was there when he was born but she doesn't know the "full story" of how or why he was created and thanks to him she had a better understanding of Vision as a whole and she knew that if she truly needed to she could separate him from the stone without harming him though part of her didn't want to for it was still a part of him and she knew better than most what it was like to lose a part of oneself.... just like she did when she saw Bruce Chenoa rushes over and gives Bucky a hug when she sees him then bows her head at T'Challa in greeting the Kingly Panther smiles at her then she turns her attention back to the Vibranium armed man and playfully asks "how's my favorite tree!?!.... still growing!?!"  Bucky chuckles then replies "she's fine"  Steve looks at them oddly "you never told him that he became a uncle!?!"  Chenoa teasingly asks Bucky laughs then replies with a smile "oops!"  he looks at his friend then over at a woman who had two children standing at her hip Steve's eyes widen at the familiarity of the woman "her name is Jacaranda.... which just so happens to be a tree.... to her right is Connie.... named after a great grandmother of hers and to her left is Steve named after a friend of his"  Chenoa tells Steve who lets out a soft chuckle as the woman and the two children walk over to them Chenoa bows her head then walks away.... "I don't want you fighting!"  Vision says to Chenoa a few minutes later as they walk through the forest of Wakanda alone "like you could stop me!"  she replies he looks at her "we're a team Sion if you fight then I fight I won't let you stubbornly fight this alone!"  she tells him he sighs giving in she turns then whispers as she stares at nothing "they're here!"  he takes her hand and they start running then flying back towards the city "I'm surprised you didn't stay there and try to distract me!"  she says as they fly he looks at her and replies "we're a team if you fight I fight!"  she chuckles then says "if you didn't go neither of us would be fighting!"  he looks down at her and she laughs which makes him smile "though I did run with you so I suppose it's both our faults!"  she adds he lowers her to the ground when they see a meteor storm of alien vessels crash land nearby "come on!"  she says and they start running once more towards the battlefield to join the others and stand in-between T'Challa and Steve in the front lines....

 "I don't want you fighting!"  Vision says to Chenoa a few minutes later as they walk through the forest of Wakanda alone "like you could stop me!"  she replies he looks at her "we're a team Sion if you fight then I fight I won't let you stubbornl...

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"Your majesty"  Chenoa greets with a bow of her head "white dove"  T'Challa replies with a smile "I would have thought you would have kept her away from all this"  Steve says to Vision "she wanted to fight as do I!"  Vision replies Steve nods his head understandingly "it wouldn't have mattered anyway wherever we were they would come and we would have ended up in a fight anyway.... at least this way we aren't fighting alone not that we're any safer but there are more numbers here than there would have been when it was just me and Vision in the woods"  Chenoa says Steve sighs knowing that she was right then he along with Natasha and T'Challa walk away from the group over to the edge of the shield where two out of who knows how many of the aliens stand and wait after all it isn't a true battle without the leaders of each side "greeting" one another...."they surrender?"  Bucky asks Steve when he returns to the front lines "not exactly"  Steve replies "what!?!.... they weren't repulsed by your good looks and charm!?!.... what kind of Captain are you!?!"  Chenoa teases Steve chuckles shaking his head with a smile as T'Challa chats "Yibambe"  and the Wakandian's chorus this happens three more times as alien creatures storm out of the forest towards the shield which still stands "what the hell?"  Bucky whispers as they all watch the alien creatures pour out of the trees like hail from a cloud during a storm Chenoa takes Vision's hand in hers and gives it a light squeeze he squeezes back as Natasha says through her teeth "looks like we pissed her off"  Chenoa flinches turning her head to the side and hiding it in Vision's arm as the creatures run into the shield and try to claw their way through even though many lost their limbs and/or died in the process "they're killing themselves"  Okoye whispers with a shocked tone knowing some of the creatures broke through whole and screeched as they rushed towards the "enemy" and the Wakandian's along with everyone else prepare for what's to come as the creatures run towards them Chenoa turns her attention to those that were coming towards them and sends psionic beams that were like a mixture of Wanda and Vision's abilities all in one at the creatures as they come closer Vision who was relieved that Chenoa had stayed put when he feared she would try to rush forward and fight on her own just to protect her friends/family sends an energy beam towards the creatures as Bucky started shooting at them and the rest of them joined in doing what they can from their position mainly the Wakandian's shooting lasers from their sonic spears and Bruce in the Mark XLVIII Armor aka Hulkbuster 2.0 sending Repulsor Beams their way Sam and Rhodey who were in their "battle armor" flew/soared around the battlefield and sent their own rockets and repulsors at them Chenoa looks at T'Challa and nods then says "might as well let them think they're going to get what they came for, make this...."  she waves her hands towards the creatures on the other side of the shield as she continues "more interesting!"  he smiles then says into his com "on my signal, open North-West Section 17"  after a short pause he responds to whatever was said on the other end "on my signal"  M'Baku says to Okoye "this will be the end of Wakanda"  Okoye replies "then it will be the noblest ending in history"  Chenoa says to T'Challa "let's make your father proud!"  he smiles at her as he claps his hand on her shoulder in agreement then he shouts an order in Xhosa he walks to the front of his army then shouts in English "Wakanda forever!"  he crosses his arms in the Wakandian salute and closes his Black Panther helmet/mask and his people charge forth

psionic defined by google as: relating to or denoting the practical use of psychic powers or paranormal phenomena

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