🐣🚼Well.... I Was Born Yesterday👼🏼👨🏼‍🍼

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**** 3 Years Later ****

Chenoa wakes up with a gasp and finds herself on a very familiar empty bed and even though it was empty she felt a very familiar presence nearby she smiles then slowly slides off it and tries to stand and she almost fell for her body acted as though it has never been used before and it took her awhile to gain her balance as well as begin to walk again as she heads towards the balcony of her home one wabbly step at a time like a brand new babe just learning how to walk for the first time and sees a familiar backside standing on it.... "Sion!?!"  Vision hears a familiar soft ethereal voice say from behind him he spins around and stares at the exquisitely celestial body it belongs to in shock his eyes wander up and down her body "please tell me I'm not dreaming!"  he says softly with a surprised tone "well.... other than the fact I feel like I was born yesterday I don't think.... at least I hope we aren't dreaming!"  she replies with a smile he chuckles softly then says "I hope so too!"  she takes slow cautious steps towards him and says as she closes the small gap that was once between them "let's try something ok!?!"  he nods then he looks at her and sees her hand reach up and slowly make it's way towards his face his eyes close when he feels her slide her knuckles along his jawline and up his cheek as she leans forward and kisses his lips "does that feel like a dream!?!"  she asks breathlessly once she lets his lips go "yes!"  he replies softly as he lays his forehead on hers she chuckles softly with a smile and he smiles his smile disappears as he watches her smile disappear and she asks softly "what did I do wrong this time!?!.... how bad is it!?!"  his head moves slightly as his eyes lock with hers and he replies softly "you didn't do anything wrong!"  he stops not willing to tell her what he knows he has to tell her and she asks again "how bad is it!?!"  seeing his eyes become sad she asks softly already dreading his answer "Clint!?!.... Laura!?!.... Lila!?!.... Cooper!?!.... Nate!?!"  she watches the expression in his eyes and sees that he only flinches when she mentions the last four "I have to see him!"  she whispers "after you rest!"  he replies "I've rested for 3 years Sion!.... I have to see him!!"  she says he nods then he wraps his arms around her and flies high into the air Vision always knew where Clint was for he kept a close eye on the extremely lost and troubled man but did not interfere with how he was dealing with his troubles mostly for his (Clint) sisters sake with that being said Vision always knew where the changed man who was once known as Hawkeye to his friends and is something all together completely different was.... "C!?!"  Clint hears a familiar soft sad voice full of tears that he couldn't tell if they were happy or not say from behind him he spins around and points the arrow that lays within his bow at the owner of said voice then lowers it and stares at her in shock when he hears her tease "some family reunion we're having huh!?! I mean are you really going to shoot your own sister with an arrow!?!.... if you do make sure you aim for the heart ok cupid!?!"  he chuckles then drops the bow and arrow onto the ground and reaches his arms out to her as she rushes over to where he stands then he hugs her tightly to him for just like Vision did when he first saw her he prayed that he wasn't dreaming "I'm sorry!"  Chenoa whispers softly as she wraps her arms around his lower back "this was not your fault!"  he replies softly "it was MY stone that was placed in the glove! MY....!!"  she starts to argue he cups her chin in his pointer finger and lifts it up so that her mixed colored eyes met his blue ones and he repeats with a stubbornly matter of fact tone "this is not your fault!"  he lifts his head up and sees Vision standing a few paces away watching them with a sad smile on his face "....how....!?!"  Clint asks "I do not know!"  Vision replies "you need a break.... let's take you home!"  Clint hears Chenoa say as she stands still wrapped in his arms he looks at her "not THAT home I know what that would do to the BOTH of us but MY home!!"  she says "so I finally get to see this "mysteriously magical" place huh!?!"  he teases with a smile "oh don't give me that you've been there PLENTY of times!"  she replies with a smile he chuckles "we're going to need to buy some plane tickets though I can't teleport anymore and I don't want Vision too have to carry the both of us.... I know he can do it I just....!"  she starts he nods then says "I'll take care of it!"  and take care of it he did apparently Clint had bought himself a small plane/jet under an alias that no one knew about and he flew the three of them as close to her home as he dared then they rode a pair of motorcycles the rest of the way well Clint and Chenoa drove Vision of course flew right along side them....

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