Understanding Who We Are

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Vision feels a slight weakness that he knew didn't come from him he looks over at Chenoa and catches her just as she fell unconscious then he carries her into his room and lays her upon his bed Clint who had saw him catch her follows him then sits upon the bed next to his sister and keeps her company while she sleeps he couldn't believe she had the abilities she had or that she never told him about them "she isn't sure of them herself they are all quite new to her she had explained that they started to appear during the Invasion in New York and have yet seemed to leave her though I am uncertain they ever will.... I'm sure she just didn't want you to worry"  Vision tells him "yeah.... that does sound like her!.... just she's only two minutes older than me she believes she's the one that has to protect me when it should be the other way around!"  Clint replies with a sigh as he combs his fingers gently through his sisters soft silky hair "I shall leave you two alone"  Vision says Clint nods without looking up at him "thank you!.... even though it may not seem like it trust has never been easy for her but she seems to trust you more than I have ever seen her trust anyone.... even me!.... though I don't understand why!"  Clint says softly as Vision starts to walk away unsure how to answer Vision only nods then leaves.... when Tony and Chenoa went back to Sokovia with the families of those who thought they lost loved ones Clint, Vision, Pietro, Wanda, Rhodey, Steve, Sam, Peter, Scott, T'Chaka, Bucky and Natasha went with them to help reunite those with the ones they "lost" it was officially the last thing the Avengers did together as at team for the impact of how they were all separated was still fresh and the wound cut a pretty deep hole in all of them.... Chenoa asked Bucky to reintroduce Zemo to his family "why!?!"  Bucky asks her with a soft curious tone "because the best way to start to heal is to forgive!.... yourself!.... him!.... the others!.... once you're done.... I would like you to come with me and meet someone.... I.... I need his permission for something!"  Chenoa replies he looks at her oddly but smiles then he gets introduced to the Zemo family then goes to take them to their missing member.... once Bucky came back outside Chenoa takes his hand and they teleport to the New York Sanctum.... during Doctor Strange's time.... Bucky gets introduced to the Sorcerer Supreme then wanders around the Sanctum as Chenoa converses with the Doctor.... after getting a playful warning not to touch anything from his new friend which made both him and the Doctor chuckle.... Chenoa tells Doctor Strange what she had done at the airport then says "I brought him here because I wanted to.... after all he's been through I'd like to help him heal in the only way I figure I know how!.... I mean if I can bring some of the people in Sokovia back to life without realizing much less wanting to....! I know I'm breaking a lot of rules but at least they're for the right reasons!.... I want to try and.... give him new memories or at least make the ones he has not as.... dark!.... there were parts of his life that I saw that I didn't share with the others and even though I don't want to bring anyone from his past back to life I think I can in a way bring that part of his past back to him"  Chenoa says she pulls a file out of her canvas bag and shows it to him in it was a picture of a girl named Jacaranda who is the granddaughter of Connie who looks just like her as well with just a few subtle differences.... her eyes and hair were a different color/tint.... Strange takes the folder from her, looks through it and chuckles softly "I also need your assistance.... if something went wrong I'd never forgive myself!"  she adds he looks up at her and nods "I just need to make a phone call"  she says on she gets his permission/approval she takes her phone out of her pocket then walks outside.... a few hours later Bucky's eyes widen in shock when he sees a familiar looking woman enter the Sanctum he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him for he could have sworn the woman he was now looking at should have been older than she is or perhaps even dead "Sergeant Barnes"  he hears Chenoa say and he chuckles softly then walks over to her and the woman who he gets introduced to then Chenoa explains what she was going to attempt to do to the both of them.... "if either of you do not wish to even attempt it we won't.... I brought you here because Doctor Strange is the keeper and protector of the Time Stone and he would understand it more than the others would and well.... I've never done this before so he's here just in case I screw it up and if he's willing he could go backwards in time to try and stop me before this is even attempted to begin with!"  Chenoa explains Strange, Bucky and Jacaranda chuckle and to Chenoa's surprise after they take a few minutes to get to know one another a little bit Bucky and Jacaranda agree to the experiment despite the unknown consequences.... apparently Connie spoke of Bucky often so she knew quite a bit about the Bucky before he became the Winter Soldier.... unfortunately Bucky had to remember what happened to him but the impact wasn't as strong and he was no longer under the influence of a few Russian words/code phrases.... Chenoa had spoken them just to make sure Bucky was surprised she could speak the language so well and clearly.... Chenoa had placed her thumb in the center of both Jacaranda and Bucky's forehead to give them both a new set of memories how they met, became friends or even fell in love.... she allowed their hearts to chose that part.... then once she knew she succeeded with no issues to speak of she thanked Stephen then took Bucky and Jacaranda with her to Wakanda where they were to stay and be watched over till King T'Chaka was satisfied that Bucky was completely "healed".... and yes Jacaranda is from Chenoa's time frame she had met, got to know her a few days prior to bringing her to Strange's time frame.... with her permission.... after asking her for the "favor" which Jacaranda seemed overly eager to do to begin with and Wong had watched over her before she had entered the Sanctum making sure she never wandered aimlessly and possibly learning more than she needed to know at that point in time....

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