Meeting Doctor Strange.... Before He Becomes Sorcerer Supreme💉🧑🏻‍⚕️🪄🧙🏻

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Chenoa walks into the Avengers facility walks over to Steve and asks "may I borrow Vision for a few hours!?"  hearing his name being called Vision.... who was chatting with Wanda.... looks up and over at Steve and Chenoa as Steve replies somewhat confused "uh.... sure!"  Chenoa asks "did you have some Avenging or something to do?!.... what I need him for can wait.... it isn't exactly "end of the world" stuff just a curiosity"  Steve chuckles softly then looks at her oddly again "it isn't that I don't trust you with.... it's.... I think he's the only one who might understand...."  she tells him as she looks at the mind stone on Vision's forehead as the man walks over to them "hello again Sion"  Chenoa greets Steve smiles at the two of them and walks away shaking his head seeing the odd yet curious look on Vision's face she takes his hand and leads him outside once they are outside she lets go of his hand and says "you can either ride with or follow"  she pauses then says "besides you I know.... three out of the four Avengers that now reside in the building and I get along with two.... both of the male persuasion.... trust is earned and there are too many eyes and ears in this place.... and if something should go wrong.... the less people that get hurt the better"  he nods she walks over and hops onto her Harley he tilts his head at her Vision had many thoughts going through his head at the moment but the one that stuck was how warm his hand became when she held it it was warmer than it has ever been in his few months of being alive it wasn't like it was on fire it was well he wasn't sure how to explain it but it was.... pleasant and how cold it got once she let go.... "flying I see!.... don't worry we're not going far"  she says with a smile Vision seems to wake up at the sound of her voice then sees her ride off and follows her.... yes by flying.... not even a minute later Vision and Chenoa end up in what looked like a forest that had a house in a tree Vision looks around him in awe then watches Chenoa as she climbs off her Harley and starts walking towards the house and he follows he stops at a beautiful purple tree and stares at it "it's called Jacaranda it's a sub-tropical tree native to south-central South America though it's been known to be planted elsewhere it is said to represent wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck and that if the flower falls on your head, it means good fortune for you...."  Vision hears Chenoa say as she walks over and stands by his side "though I'm sure you're more curious as to why I asked for you over any of the others"  he looks at her as she continues "I know you've seen things about me that I have never shared with anyone.... about my childhood.... my father.... and there have been a few.... curiosities.... that have happened to me since the Chitauri Invasion I have noticed things about myself.... as I helped my brother and the other Avengers of that time fight I noticed that I reached certain places just by thinking about them.... or at least the person who was in that area.... then there was Sokovia...."  she lets out a short chuckle then says "I'm terrible with machines and yet I could make the core lower the part of the city.... after the war was over I HEALED the land by reversing time.... not for the people but for the land itself.... there's a crack that shows where the city separated.... people have been trying to "fix" it.... which they can't.... I can understand.... they don't want a reminder of the "evil" Ultron brought to their home.... then there's the fact that only you could see me as I worked on the core.... the stones on my spinal cord that aren't actually stones nor are they tattoos or birthmarks I'm not sure what they are or why I have them.... I never met J.A.R.V.I.S. and yet I saw how he "died" felt what it was like when he became a part of you and your.... creation.... I suppose since I shared something with you you shared something with me and with you only being less than a second old at the time.... I've been dreaming of a man called Doctor Strange and place known as Kamar-Taj though it might be safer to go to one of their Sanctums.... New York probably...."  Vision asks softly with a curious tone "why....!?!"  she replies "he is the "keeper" of the Time Stone"  his eyes widen in surprise "I asked for you because.... I want to get to know you.... and I figured it would be prudent to introduce you to the "keeper" of the Time Stone so he can see what Thor saw.... that it's safe and where it belongs!"   she tells him he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face....

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