👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼I See A Change In You But I Love You Anyway👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏼

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"Let me go"  Vision hears Chenoa say he looks down at her with a surprised expression on his face "trust me Sion!"  she says softly he nods and lets her go she falls into Stephen's arms and sees the Cloak of Levitation clip itself off him then onto her then watches as she flies over to where Thanos was Vision gently grips Stephen's arms and they follow her flying together.... Thanos looks up and watches as the same white-haired beauty who gave him "her" mind stone in place of the one he truly needed slide the glove that had the stones he once again wanted "you know.... Thor actually succeeded in killing you and found that it wasn't as satisfying as he thought it would be!.... then again you had succeeding in killing half the world thinking YOU could "save" it!!.... but you never wanted to save it did you!?!.... no!.... you wanted to CONTROL it! to "SHAPE" it in a way you THINK it should be!!.... and I once again have the power to make sure that never happens the only difference is that this time I'm going to make sure it never does!"  he hears her say he watches as the glove disappears from her hand and realizes that it was never real to begin with and asks "why play this game then!?!"  she replies as she looks past him and locks eyes with Stephen "because it had to happen if it didn't it never would have for MY stone never would have worked!.... the only difference is...."  she locks eyes with Thanos and says "I never would have had to "gone for the head"! which certainly is large and quite possibly hard to miss if one aimed right but that's besides the point!"  she takes the arrowhead point of the borrowed staff she holds and cuts a deep v into the back of her shirt letting the stones on her back breathe then says "I may not be able to change these past five years so that they never happened but I sure as HELL can make sure that you and your little minions never hurt another living soul! and that is exactly what I am going to do!! the only difference is I don't have to snap my fingers I just have to will it all away you, your army and the stones and I'm going to make sure that you are the last to leave so that you can watch it all disappear into nothing!"  she turns and her eyes meet Tony's who does his best to smile at her and Thanos screams as the stones start to once again disappear from her body "NOOOO!!!!"  then he watches as his army of minions that he didn't give a rats ass about turn into ash "one last shot Thor.... if you think you'd still enjoy it anyway!"  Chenoa says looking at her godly friend Thor chuckles softly with a smile then says "nah.... let him wallow in his own self-pity!"  she nods then turns and watches as Thanos walks over to a small boulder and sits down on it with a sigh then slow turn to ash himself "where are they!?!"  Steve asks as he walks over to where Chenoa stands she turns the long staff that she still holds and he sees each of the Infinity Stones shine upon it and he chuckles then walks over to her and hugs her tightly to him she looks over her shoulder at Vision who went from being his normal beautiful red color to a gorgeous silver feeling her chin move on his shoulder Steve lets her go and turns to see Vision walk over to them and he smiles then steps away from his friend so that Vision could take his place Vision's arms wrap around the woman he loves and he hears her whisper softly into his ear as she wraps her arms around him "I'm sorry!"  he replies softly into hers "you did what you had too"  he kisses her temple then whispers "I love you"  she whispers back with a smile "I love you too.... thank you for trusting me!"  he looks at her and nods then kisses her lips.... as she flew towards the battlefield in Vision's arms with Stephen beside her Chenoa had asked Vision to trust her curious and slightly confused he looked down at her and saw her reach up then grip the Mind Stone by its edges as it lay on his forehead then felt her will it off his forehead as she gently started to pull it away from his skin she had told him that she needed one of the original stones to make what she had planned work and it wasn't until the aliens started to disappear that he started to understand what she meant for he had somehow felt it crack and break then crumble into nothing and yet he didn't feel or seem any different it wasn't until they had gotten back to their house that he saw how different he was he saw the change in the color of his skin and he began to worry that she may no longer love him in the way she once did because of that change but she once again proved him wrong.... "Sion!?!"  Vision hears Chenoa say softly from behind him he turns around and asks with a concerned tone "what's wrong!?!.... are you alright!?!.... is the baby....!?!"  she replies with a soft smile "the baby and I are fine though I do have a question for you...."  he looks at her quizzically and sees her take something out of her pocket open it up and hears her ask as he stares at the item within the small dark velvet box "though it is normally the man who "pops the question" so to speak.... will you marry me!?!"  he looks at the ring then at her then back at the ring in shock then rushes over to her and hugs her tightly listening to her soft beautiful chuckle flow past his ear and he whispers "yes!"  she hugs him gently and lays her head on his chest he reaches back and takes the box out of her hand then the ring out of the box and slides it over his finger looking down at it then her she looks up at him and kisses her lips....

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