Watching Sokovia Heal While Your Own Government Tears You Apart❤️‍🩹🤕

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A few days before the Sokovia Accords were created Chenoa came to the Avengers facility this time looking for Tony Vision was training with Wanda when he saw her walk towards the building and he floats back down to the ground with a curious expression on his face as Steve walks over to greet her "welcome back.... looking for Vision again?!"  Steve asks with a smile "and here I thought we went to Mama Bear for matchmaking services!"  Chenoa teases Steve chuckles with a smile shaking his head at her "actually I'm looking for Tony.... though Vision.... well anyone is welcome to join us on our "mission" if they so wish"  she adds Steve tilts his head curiously at her she says with a smile "you'll see!.... if you decide to come that is!"  he smiles "is he at....?!"  she starts then stops when she sees Tony walk over to them "how do you feel about boat rides?!"  she asks Steve looks at her oddly then turns when he realizes that she wasn't talking to him and he sees Tony walk over to them "I find them rather enjoyable why!?!"  Tony asks with a curious expression and a smile on his face "because I have somewhere I wish to take you and wondered if I should call for a boat or a plane ticket"  she replies "and I figured you'd like to go because a).... it'll make a very particular government extremely unhappy to know their truths are a lie and b).... you look like you could use some "good news" for a change.... even if you have to "play along" with the lie to satisfy the government's ego.... mind you I only have enough for four tickets but....!"   Tony tilts his head curiously at her and asks "what did you do!?!"  she replies playfully "so accusing!!.... I did nothing! but if you truly want to see you'll have to come if not you're free to stay!"  he laughs then says "don't worry about getting tickets I'll take care of it!"  she smiles at him.... a few minutes later Steve, Sam, Wanda, Tony, Natasha, Vision and Chenoa were on a Tony approved boat heading for.... Sokovia!!.... Vision flew above the boat as it headed in the direction of the city "even though I'm sure the view is spectacular up there it's much better enjoyed down here Sion"  Chenoa says with a smile as she stands on the deck Vision looks down at her then floats down and stands by her side and they watch the view as it passes by them "there's one more thing I forget to explain but it will have to wait till we get there"  she says once he was standing next to her he looks at her oddly but she doesn't say anything else as Wanda walks over to them and she walks away Vision watches her leave with a sadness in his eyes he had no idea he felt or why he felt it but he became grateful for the distraction Wanda provided as she struck up a conversation with him.... "why are we here!?!"  Wanda asks once they reach their final destination Vision looked at the healed city in surprise as Chenoa calls out to a familiar looking blonde male "hey there pretty boy!"  Wanda stares at her brother in shock as he waves at Chenoa with a grin and Vision starts to understand the "one more thing" Chenoa spoke of Wanda wasn't the only one that was shocked at the sight before them everyone else on the boat couldn't get over the fact that the city looked as though nothing had happened a few months prior.... "how....!?!"  Tony asks with a chuckle in his tone as he looks around himself at the land and the people walking around on it then he looks over at Chenoa who doesn't say anything just walks off the boat and onto the miraculous land and he follows her.... Chenoa gave Tony, Steve, Sam and Vision a tour and Pietro gave Wanda and Natasha a tour.... Steve, Sam, Tony and Vision were introduced to Amarangani (Indian origin meaning angel), Carl and Blaz (German origin meaning resolute protector) Zemo and Charles Spencer....

"So the plan is!?!"  Tony asks looking at Chenoa Vision looks at the both of them as she replies "that depends.... how huge you want their egos to become!?!"  Tony laughs "hey if Steve hadn't become a Capsicle I probably could have just gone to him because he'd be even richer than you!.... or donating all that money to the cause just so he could be poor all over again!"  she says with a playfully teasing tone Steve laughs Tony shakes his head with a smile "trust does not come easy for me Mr. Stark so the fact that I even hinted that this has happened...."  she adds "Tony.... please!"  Tony replies "Antonius!?! sounds godly!"  she says with playfully confused tone he laughs Vision looks at them oddly "I'll see what I can do"  Tony says with a smile "living through what they had gone through over and over again is bad enough but knowing that their families think that they're dead....!"  she replies softly with a hint of sadness in her tone Tony cups her shoulder with his hand comfortingly with a small understanding smile on his face then they all leave and head back to the Avengers Tower.... "you're not staying!?!"  Chenoa hears Vision ask from behind her she turns and looks up at him as he floats halfway up in the air "do you ever walk!?!"  she teases he floats down and walks towards her "I guess so!"  she teases with a smile "but to answer your question.... no I'm not staying, I'm not a Avenger just a sister so I don't belong here!.... I know I should stay get to know each and every one of you better but the thought of doing that.... frightens me!.... with the way I acted around Tony, Steve, Bruce and Thor you may think that I've known them for most if not my whole life but the truth is I've met them no more than.... four times since the Avengers were first "born".... I was introduced to them during and after the Chitauri Invasion, then there was Tony's party where I first met Sam, Rhodey and Ultron, Sokovia.... the day I came and asked for you then today, I try to be.... approachable.... for Clint's sake but.... it takes a lot out of me to do so.... I'm kind when I NEED to be but.... I can also be hatefully defensive!.... I never take anything to heart but I WILL stick up for myself if I need to and I don't do it in a kind way!.... you should ask "Mother May I" if she even knows my name.... I DID save her brother's life after all!!.... actually I did more than that I brought him back to life!.... I brought a LOT of them back to life when they were MEANT to die but I did it without MEANING to!!.... as I told the "Ancient One" I HATE it when people abuse their gifts and I did just that without knowing I did until it was too late which makes me seem just as selfish as she was.... is! and as your girlfriend and Momma Bear are.... I bet that she couldn't even tell you who I'm RELATED to!!.... so no Vision I will NOT be staying because I am NOT going to deal with someone who ASSUMES things without finding out if they're true first!!.... she made that mistake once with Tony before getting to know him for who knows who actually gave the order to do whatever happened to her and her family?!.... was it him!?! was it someone high up in the Stark Enterprises food chain!?! for that HAS been known to happen you know.... people going behind their bosses back "in the name of their boss"!.... I will NOT allow her to do the same with me!!.... and before you tell me that I should LET her get to know me know that I DO NOT want to get to know HER!!.... I TRIED to do that with Nat for Clint's sake I will not make that mistake again!.... not even for you!!"  she adds then she disappears Vision stares at the spot she disappeared with a shocked expression on his face then he flies away as though he was going to find her and make sure she was ok seeing him prepare to leave Wanda rushes out of the Avengers Tower as Vision starts to float up in the air shouting up at him "Vis!?!"  and he floats back down to the redhead with a sad expression on his face and walks towards her knowing full well she was listening to the conversation he just had with the woman who undeniably ceaselessly mesmerizes him and he believes he is somehow starting to feel something very strong for which he cannot name at the moment for he has never felt it himself.... that he knows of anyway....

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