Life With You Is Sweeter Than I Expected

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"People see you in how you present yourself it isn't your powers that makes you a monster it is YOU yourself!! if you see yourself one way that that is the way the world will perceive you for that is what you show that you are you can find as many faults in others or your abilities that you wish but in truth it is all you! you make yourself weak and only you can make yourself become strong again!"  Chenoa said to Wanda when she and Vision returned from the Farmer's Market the day her elder brother came to it the day she didn't recognize Vision because he had changed his appearance to appease someone else who he found didn't want him to change "in other words don't push your hate for yourself on other people!.... you were WRONG in "thinking" I would be happy if Vision hid who he is just to make another happy!! he shouldn't HAVE to hide!! he shouldn't HAVE to feel uncomfortable in his own skin just because YOU do!! stop trying to make him into something he isn't just so you don't feel alone in your own sad little world! people don't hate you as much as you hate them! though I don't see why you would hate those you don't know I shall never understand that thought process of your own making Vision at least has enough heart to give people a chance!"  she adds "practice what you preach!"  Wanda replies with a harsh rude bite in her tone "I'm trying to, you on the other hand are not! you want him to dislike me or me to hate him and even though he seems to be eager to do as you wish him to because he's so new to the world and wishes to please those he cares about but I refuse to do what you want me to for I will NEVER hate him for he has yet to do anything to me to MAKE me hate him!! you on the other hand Lycoris have done plenty!"  Chenoa says then she turns around and walks away just as Vision and Tony start to walk into the room they were in then watch as Chenoa gently passes by them and Wanda watches her leave with an incredulous expression on her face Vision turns and follows Chenoa and Wanda watches him with a sad jealous expression on her face.... Vision tried to get Chenoa to talk to him but he continuously failed she stayed silent the entire boat ride to Sokovia and Wakanda though he had tried a different way to take her to Wakanda he had wrapped his arm around her waist she looked up at him and smiles then gently steps on the tips of his boots as he slowly rises to the air then flies her to T'Challa's coronation which he enjoyed as much as she did for he felt every wonderful emotion that flowed through her the whole way there as they both enjoyed the ever changing gorgeous views around them though he did miss hearing her speak in her usual soft tones....

After leaving Wakanda Vision decided to stay with Chenoa semi-permanently for he had found that he could indeed fall in love as well as feel many other emotions he didn't know how and he believed he didn't care.... "I guess I really have changed haven't I!?!"  Chenoa asks Vision with a soft chuckle in her tone a few weeks later as she stands leaning up against his chest on her front balcony watching the sun rise through the Jacaranda tree "I forced myself not to care because of my fear of being broken more than I was already and then.... well.... the Avengers happened! and I made the first few friends I have ever made in my life.... and....!"   she continues she turns to face him placing her hands in his as she looks up into his eyes her teeth gently scrape along her bottom lip nervously curious as to how he would answer what her body wanted to do being "brave" she leans forward and allows her lips to lightly touch his her bravery doesn't last long for instead of completing the kiss she straightens once again at first he looks at her oddly for less than a second then his lips rush to meet hers in a gentle caress which becomes one of fully heated sensual passion as the kiss lingers a little longer than attended her arms reach up and wrap themselves around his shoulders and his wrap themselves around her waist and his body floats a little ways in the air he looks down at their feet which now hang a few inches above the balcony floor and says "that is not what I intended....!"  she looks down and chuckles then looks up into his eyes and asks in a soft alluring tone "what did you intend!?!"  his lips meet hers again and his hands slide along her hip to where the ass meets the thigh and he lifts her up and wraps her legs around his waist then lowers his feet back down to the floor and walks her inside to her room phasing through the glass door and the walls without thinking of anything other than how soft and luscious her lips are he lays her on the bed without letting her lips go and his hands nervously roam her body over her clothes feeling every delicious curve his lips follow the trail they made down to her stomach he feels her body flinch once his fingers reach her hip and they stop "I guess I haven't changed all that much!"  she says he looks up at her and their eyes meet she cups his chin with her hand and coaxes him back up to her and kisses his lips he couldn't get enough of her softness and lusciously sweet yet spicy taste of Vanilla and Cinnamon as he deepens her light kiss and his hands start to remove her shirt as hers does the same to his.... he couldn't believe how soft and sensitive her skin was her body reacted to everything his lips and fingers did in ways he has never experienced before as did his and he found that he enjoyed the experience immensely and it made him happy that he could make her happy....

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