★ Chapter One ★

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Natsu, Happy and I stroll through the streets of Crocus. I stare at the sky which is changing from a deep pink to midnight purple. Tiny stars pop out one by one, shining high above us.

"It's so pretty, Natsu," I mumble. "I really don't want to go back inside."

The busy streets start to empty as each person gets ready for the games the next day. Natsu, Happy, and I are headed back to our hotel now, but I don't want to go.

Natsu smiles at me. "You're right, Luce. I don't want to go inside, it's gorgeous out here," he mumbles something else that I don't hear.

"What?" I ask staring at him.

"It's nothin," Natsu replies. "But come on, let's get back, being late for the last games was scary, don't want to do that again."

I giggle as his face visibly pales at the thought. I don't blame him. Erza can be terrifying if you piss her off.

"Yeah, okay, let's go," we start walking back to the hotel. "You remember last year when we ran into Sting and Rogue?" I smile at the memories, the games were crazy last year.

"Yeah, and we almost caused a fight?" He laughs.

Sabertooth was one of the worst guilds we had ever met, and Natsu, somehow, managed to change them. Make them different, he made them better. With Sting as the master, everyone enjoys being in or even around Sabertooth. They're family now.

"Do you think they're entering this year?" I turn towards Natsu, curiously. "It'll be more fun if they do."

He's been keeping contact with Sting, so he should know. But he just shrugs.

"They could be, I never asked, didn't seem all that important," he shrugs again.

I nod and focus ahead. Even though the streets have started emptying, it's still packed. Tourists point to different buildings and statues. That's the one thing about, Crocus. It's the biggest city in, Fiore, which means it's always packed with people.

Finally, we reach our hotel. I stare at it. It's not too fancy, three floors at the most, with balconies. It's not hard to figure out which room is ours, since it's the only room with lights on.

"Come on, let's go inside," I say opening the door to the building.

Natsu and Happy scramble inside and I let the door shut behind them. I step at the front desk to check in. The lady smiles when I say we're from Fairy Tail.

"Third floor, room 205. Don't be surprised when you reach the room, err," she trails off. "Have a nice stay."

I give her a confused smile but walk away anyway. We all find the stairs and travel to the third floor. Walking through the hall, we find room 205. I stare at the plain white door. Noise echoes outside the door, and I know it's gonna be crazy when I open the door. I open it anyway.


"Don't ask," I interrupt Happy.

He just nods and stares inside the room, his mouth agape.

Wendy and Charla lay on the floor, reading a book, or at least trying to. Erza, I don't even know what she's doing, it looks like she's attempting to dance. Then there's Gray. His arms are slung around the back of Rogue and Sting necks. They all look half drunk (besides Wendy and Charla)

"Okay? What the-"

"Lucy!" Sting shouts, making the other dragon slayers and Gray wince. "Nice of you to join usss!"

His words are slurred and slow. Oh brother, here goes nothing, and I walk into the room.


"Welcome to the very first day of the Grand Magic Games!" The king shouts making my head pound even more. "Last year was epic, but this year is gonna be even more epic, just you wait!"

The crowd cheers and I flinch, drinking last night was a mistake. Shouldn't have done that, well, too late now.

"We are doing this year a little different. This year, you will not only have your own guilds team, but you will be paired with another guild. Details will be explained later! First, lets get the teams!"

The crowd screams and helps in excitement. I- once again- flinch at the loudness.

"First of we have Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale!" The crowd erupts into screams of joy.

I cover my ears, doing my best to block out the sound, it works until Natsu taps my arm.

"We're next," he tells me, grinning.

"And for the last team, we have Sabertooth and Fairy Tail!"

The crowd explodes.


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