★ Chapter Two ★

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Now, I don't mean the crowd literally explodes. It only feels like it explodes with all the noise.

My head throbs and spins as I walk out into the bright, bright sunlight. How are the others still standing? How am I still standing?

I look at my team: Natsu, Gray, Sting, Rogue, and I. Not bad, I'm obviously the weakest person, but what's new?

"Please give a loud round of applause for the teams," the king yells.

Please don't. The crowd doesn't listen and erupts into cheers.

"Hey, you okay, Luce?" Natsu says, wrapping his arm around me.

"Just a bad hangover is all," I mumble. "I'll be fine, I'm sure."

He doesn't look convinced and doesn't unwrap his arm either. Once upon a time, my stomach would have been doing flips.

"Lucy, you good?" Sting glances over to me, staring at Natsu's arm a little too long.

I nod and he sends me one last glance before continuing his conversation with Rogue.

"You wanna go back to the hotel or go party with the guild?" Natsu asks, grinning.

"Well, I can't miss a party with the guild, I just won't drink this time."

"Hey! Sting! Rogue! Wanna come to the Fairy Tail party?"

Sting grins, "you know it! Lucy, you gonna be there?"

"Well, of course. I'm a fairy after all!"

Sting grins. We all walk back in a group together. Natsu and Sting talk together leaving an awkward quietness between Rogue and I.

"How are you enjoying Fairy Tail?" It takes me a minute to comprehend what Rogue just asked me.

"Oh, it's a lotta fun. Messy, noisy, but Fairy Tail is home. I love it. What's Sabertooth, do you like it now that Stings guild master?"

Rogue rolls his eyes. "Don't even get me started. He never keeps up on the paperwork, so I'm stuck doing it all. Not to mention he's always causing some sorta fight to prove how strong he his."

I laugh. Sounds like typical Sting. Rogue gives a chuckle too.

"It sounds like Sabertooth has changed for the better. Well, most of it anyway. Can't promise the paperwork will stop, but you guys all seem a lot closer now."

Rogue gives a small smile. "Yeah, we are now. It's nice, feels like we're a family."

"That's what a guild is supposed to be like. I'm glad you enjoy it."

"Me too."

"You guys coming in or what?" I had hardly noticed that we had stopped in front of a bar.

"Yeah!" I yell, regretting a second later.

Rogue and I follow them into the bar. The noise hits my ears, making me flinch. How could the dragon slayers stand this?

My head spins and pounds, making me feel sick. Yeah, bad idea coming here. I decide to go back outside.

I notice that the sky has gotten a little darker. Tiny little lights litter it, making everything sparkly. I take a seat on the wooden stairs to stare up at the sky.

"I love night time, don't you?" I jump only to notice Rogue standing behind me. "Sorry, did I scare you? Didn't mean to, it's just so loud in there."

I nod. "I have a hangover from drinking last night, I'm not sure how you dragon slayers can handle having enhanced hearing and a hangover."

"Well, that's simple. Us dragon slayers have a harder time getting hangovers. Why? That I don't know, but I count it as a blessing."

I smile. Rogue seems nice enough. He is way calmer than Sting, and he has that protective aura. I hear him shuffling and it surprises me when he takes a seat next to me. He smiles at me before staring up at the sky.

"If you could make a wish, what would it be?" He asks.

"I don't know, maybe to see my mom again. I've never really thought about it. What would your wish be?"

"I've always thought it would be to see Skiadrum again, but, I know that he's resting in peace now. I don't have a wish anymore."

I don't know what to say, but I don't have to say anything because Natsu and Sting come busting out drunk as hell.

"She would never choose," Sting wobbles. "You!"

"She already chose me," Natsu tries to push him but ends up pushing air.

I laughed. They were both drunk off their butts, this meant it was time to head back.

"I'm gonna take salmon head back to the hotel and tuck him in. He looks just a little drunk."

Rogue laughs at that. "I'll get the arrgont one. Oh wait, the blonde arrgont one," it's my turn to laugh now.

"Do we share the same hotel?"


"That explains why you guys were there yesterday."

"Yeah," he stands up and helps me yup. "Now lets these drunk idiots back to the hotel."

I nod.


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