★ Chapter Ten ★

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I'm pissed, and who wouldn't be? I pace back and forth in my room.

"Sting, it's late, just go to bed," Rouge grumbles sleepily. "Please? We have the games tomorrow."

"Yes, yes we do. I need to think of a plan," my legs burn but I don't sit down, I have to stay up. "I need to think of a plan."

Everything from today mixes in my head. Lucy telling me she has a boyfriend, which happened to be a lie. Then, when I confessed to her, she just got up and ran away.

"Ugh," I groan, pulling on my hair. "This day has been SHIT!"

"Sting, go to bed," Rouge orders. "Or I'll go get-"

"Fine, I'll go to bed."


"Sting! Sting! Get up!" Rouge shakes me, but I just roll over, hiding under the warm comfy blanket. "Sting!"

"I don't wanna," I whine. "I'm too tired."

"I don't care, get up, right now!"

I groan, but don't argue anymore. I roll over, but being a little too close to the edge, I end up rolling into the floor.

"Ow," I mumble, as my bottom hit the floor. "That hurt."

"Good, now get dressed, we have to meet the others out front," Rouge orders.

"Fine," I quickly change into clothes that are okay to fight in. "Let's go."

We take the stairs, and when we exit, there's no one else waiting.

"Okay, where's everyone else?"

"Probably still getting ready," Rouge explains. "They'll be here soon though."


What happens next, isn't my fault, I tell myself. It'll be her fault for just leaving me there. So if we end up fighting, it's not my problem. 

"Hey, Sting!" A girl calls.

"Uh, hi...?"

"Oh, right! My name is Allis, I'm a reporter and I'd like to ask you a few questions," she glances at Rouge. "In private."

Rouge shrugs, "see ya."

Allis turns back to me, "okay, now that he's gone," she smiles. "My first question is; how old are you?"

She grabs the pen out if her hair and holds it just over her paper.

"Um, does that really matter?" I ask, I really don't like this lady, she gives me bad vibes.

"Well, I just thought it would be best if the press knew your age. So, Sting, how old are you?"

"I'm nineteen," I answer, she takes a step closer.

She writes on her not pad, then looks back up, "and do you have a girlfriend?"

"U-Um, not exactly," she steps closer, and her over used perfume fill my nose. "I, uhh, the girl I like is, uhh, in a relationship, I think."

Her perfume fills my nose, making me want to gag, "that's too bad, but there are plenty of other girls who would love to be with you."

I take a step back, "look lady-"

"Allis," she corrects, stepping towards me.

"Allis," I attempt a smile. "I think this interview is over, I have places to be and I'm sure you do to. So, uh, thanks, but-"

She grabs my arm, stopping me from leaving, "I'll say when this interview is over."

I rip my arm from her grip, "look, I don't know who you are, but I really think you should go now. I have someone I need to see, and I don't want you hanging around me."

She glares at me, her eyes scrunching up, "you will regret that."

"Just leave-" before anything else was said, her lips crashed upon me.

It took me seeing a flash of blonde hair to realize what was going on. I shoved Allis off of me, my eyes wide.

"What the hell, Lady?" I scream. "I told you to leave me alone!"

"I'm assuming the blonde was the one you wanted to talk to, and I'm assuming that she also seen that," Allis smirks. "Because now she's gone."

My face pales, she had just fucked everything up.

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