★ Chapter Eight ★

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Everything is crashing down, chaos is breaking out, and I am panicking. I can feel my breaths coming in; short and heavy.

It wasn't supposed to go down like this. It wasn't supposed to end like this. He was never supposed to react like this.

"It'll be okay," she had told me. "I got this all under control."

She was so, so wrong. It is all out of control, it is all crashing down like the fire in hell. I can feel my heart pounding faster and faster in my chest and my lunches shuddering at each breath I take. It's going to explode, I think, referring to my fast beating heart. 

"Deep breaths," I say, curling farther into a ball, I choke on a large sob. "It wasn't supposed to happen like that. He wasn't supposed to be so angry. I didn't- I didn't think-" my voice cracks and I can't stop the tears from falling from my face.

The event replays in my head, over and over again. Everything had gone wrong. I thought maybe he would figure it out, but I didn't expect him to be so...angry?

No, I tell myself. He wasn't just angry, he was furious.

The memories play over and over in my head.

"What? Surprised?" Sting waves his hand in the air. "Yeah, I bet. After all, you never once did see us following you."

"Why the hell did you follow me?" I yell. "My life is none of your business!"

"I followed you, to make sure you 'boyfriend,' didn't try any shit. But I suppose that was just one big blow over, wasn't it?"

"Hey!" Erza had finally stepped in, glaring at Sting. "Maybe it wasn't right for her to do that, but following her wasn't exactly right either!"

"You're not apart of this," Sting growls. "And what I did was nothing compared to what she did."

"I pretended to have a boyfriend, Sting! Stop acting like I stabbed your best friend!" I yell. "Look, I get it, you're mad because I lied to you and said some shitty things about you! But are seriously that pissed about it? Don't tell me you haven't said shit about other people, oh and don't even get me started on lying to people!"

My anger is at a dangerous high, and I can feel it rising more, "so please, Sting. Tell me why you're are so fucking pissed about me pretending to date someone and saying a couple shitty things!"

"Lucy, just calm down," Erza grabs my shoulder. "It's late, we should go to bed and talk about this tomorrow morning."

"I am not going to calm down! And I'm certainly not going to bed until he tells me why the fuck he's so pissed off over some dumb shit!"

"Because I fucking like you, okay?! Because when I'm around you my heart speeds up and my world spins around! Because when you laugh I feel my world so much fucking brighter! Because I fucking love you, Lucy!"

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