★ Chapter Six ★

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I could feel his eyes on me. Watching me. I had never noticed before, but I suppose, when you realize something, you notice every little detail about everything related to it. That realization, just happened to be Sting Eucliffe.

I could feel his eyes burning into my side as I watched Gray's match against Lyon. And even now, as I listen to Natsu's rambling.

"Luce, are you sure you're okay?" Natsu asks. "You've been acting really weird these past few days. Do you feel alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Natsu," I sigh. "Just thinking about some stuff."

"What stuff?"

The salmon haired boy had once been the thoughts that occupied my mind, but I realized he could never love me more than a sister.

"Just boy drama, you wouldn't want to know. It involves kissing."

Natsu frowns, "boy drama? When did you get a boyfriend?"

"Lucy has a boyfriend?" Sting interrupts. "Since when?"

That's when an idea pops into my head. I have a way of knowing if Sting likes me the way I like him.

"Oh, for about a month now. Of course, because of the games we haven't been able to see each other," I fake frown. "I miss him a lot."

Sting and Natsu frown themselves, "I got to meet him," they say in sync.

"Sorry, but I actually like him, and don't want him to leave, so I won't be introducing him to you."

Both boys grumble at my response and start to argue when a voice cuts in, "she said she didn't want you meeting him, so shut up."

I look over to Rouge who is also frowning but rather at the two boys instead of me.

"I'm gonna go talk to Erza real quick," I say, pointing to Erza who is farther back.

"It's a lie, isn't it?" She asks. "The boyfriend thing?"

"Do you seriously think I'm that undateable?"

"Not necessarily, it's just a hunch."

"Well, you're right," I sigh.

Erza smiles, "if you really want to fool them, let them meet the boyfriend."

"How?" Erza smiles wider.

"I'll show you."


"You look nothing like before," I comment, completely shocked. "How did you manage to do that?"

"A magician never reveals their secrets," Erza jokes. "Now, let them boys meet your new boyfriend."


I didn't think this would work. Nope, scratch that, I know this won't work.

"They'll be able to smell you," I turn to Erza. "They'll know it's you."

"Trust me, Lucy, I've got this."

I'm not convinced, but I just nod anyway. No point in arguing. I trust her, but not with this.

"Now, lead the way to the boys," Erza grabs my hand, and I feel awkward.

Walking up to the three boys, I pull Erza along with me. We had discussed and decided to go with the name Magnar; meaning strong warrior. She wanted a name that meant something, and her being my "boyfriend," I had no choice.

"Natsu, Sting, Rouge!" I call, they turn to look at me.

"Hey, Luce," Natsu waves, then he glance at Erza, I mean Magnar. "Who's that?"

"Well," I trail. "You said that you wanted to meet my boyfriend, and he was already on his way here to see me. I just figured that'd I'd let you meet," I take a deep breath. "But, if you scare him off, then I'm never talking to any of you again."

They all nod, glancing to Erza.

"Everyone, this is Magnar."

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