★ Chapter Thirteen ★

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My mind buzzes with confusion and excitement. I kissed him. Kissed!

"Lucy," my thoughts are broken by Erza. "Get the hearts out of your eyes and tell me what happened!"

"Hm?" I ask confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh please, I know you talked to Sting," Erza rolls her eyes. "How'd it go?"

"W-Well," my face heats up, "Nothing t-too exciting happened."

"Your red face and stuttering says otherwise, so spit it out."

"We may have kissed," I explain, staring at my hands.

"WHAT?" Erza yells, leaping off her bed. "Did he ask you out? Are you guys dating now? Tell me everything!!"


"Lucy!" My body is shoved and I'm sent tumbling off my bed.

I groan in frustration, the hell?

"Lucy, get up!" I peek my eyes open to see Erza standing next to me. "It's the last day of the games!!"

"What? Already?"

"Yes, come on!! Aren't you excited? You get to compete and show your true strength and bravery!"

"Can't you go instead? You're so much stronger than me, and you're sure to win."

"Lucy, get your butt up this instant. There is no time to doubt yourself, you must get ready to fight!"

I groan, but accept the hand that she offers. She pulls me up, and gives me a smile.

"And I bet you can't wait to see Sting!"

Sting? Why would I- oh no! Sting! What if he didn't mean to kiss me, what if it was all just to make me feel better?

"Lucy!" I jump in surprise at the yell. "Are you doubting yourself again?"

"No..." I answer.

"Are you lying to me?"


"What are you doubting now?"

"Well, just that maybe Sting doesn't like me and that maybe he just kissed me to make me feel better. Or maybe the kiss could have just been a dream, and it's completely made up a-"

"Lucy. It wasn't a dream, because then I wouldn't know about it. And oh my Mavis, why would you think he just kissed you to make you feel better? You even said yourself he confessed his feelings to you. Are you saying that you think he's lying to you?"

"W-Well, no, but it just doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense?"

"That he would like someone like me. Sure, I'm pretty, but I'm not very powerful, and not to mention other than my looks, there's nothing good about me."

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