★ Chapter Fourteen ★

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"Sting!" His head swivels in my direction, and he catches my eyes. "Sting! Wait up!"

His body stays still as I walk to him. I can tell he doesn't know what to do, and neither do I. Honestly, this entire thing has been confusing and complete chaos. However, I do know one thing, I like Sting, and Sting likes me.

"Are you leaving soon?" I ask, shuffling my feet.

"Yeah, in a couple hours. You?"

"Same here, though, everyone's busy celebrating right now," Sting chuckles and so do I.

"I figured as much," he smiles. "I would, but I have something I wanted to do."

"Oh? Mind if I ask what?"

"Well, I was hoping that you would want to go on a date with me?"

"A-A date?" I stutter, my face slightly burning.

"Yeah, I figured we could go somewhere, it'd be your choice."

"Well, I'm not planning, so I don't see why not," my face still burns and I can't stop my grin.

"Okay, I'm going to get changed," he says pointing to his usual clothes. "I'll be right back!"

"Should I change?"

"You look gorgeous in what you're wearing," he winks.

My face heats up once again. He lets out another chuckle and runs up the stairs to his hotel room.

A few minutes later, he comes down dressed in new clothing. I giggle at his attempt to comb his pointy hair.

"What?" He asks, completely clueless.

"Your hair is so cute!" I point at it.

He blushes, his face bright red, "no it's not, it's very manly!"

"Well, whatever, I think it's adorable. Leave it as is, I love it just the way it is!"

His face turns slightly darker, "o-okay, if you say so."


"Did you have fun in the games this year?" Sting asks, looping his arm with mine.

"It was certainly better than the first year's games!"

"That's good," he lets out a small smile. "The first games were a bit rough..."

"Yeah, but that's done and over with! I had fun this year, and to be honest, I can't wait for next year!"

Sting smiles, "I'm glad to hear that! Now, where should we go? After all, I did say it was your choice."

"I wouldn't mind walking around for a little bit and looking. The only time I got to explore was with Natsu, and I was too occupied with other things."

"Was that this year?" Sting asks, his head turning to me slightly.

"No, that was actually the first year I came here. I haven't had time to look around since then."

"Then, I guess we'll just have to explore as much of the city as we can today!"

"I can't wait! I bet there's so much to see!"

"Trust me, there is," he grins. "So let's get going! You can't see the whole city standing there!"


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